packaging paper abstract art journal page by Cristina Parus @

Abstract marks on packaging paper

The easiest and least expensive way to make an art journal is by using packaging paper you have around the house. You’ve seen already my mini packaging paper journal I posted on the blog last year. I still have plenty of pages to fill in and so many ideas! 

Cel mai usor si economic mod de  crea un art jurnal este folosind hartie de impachetat pe care probabil o aveti prin casa. Ati vazut deja mini-jurnalul facut in hartie de impachetat pe care l-am postat anul trecut. Inca mai am multe pagini care asteapta sa fie pictate si atat de multe idei!

packaging paper abstract art journal page by Cristina Parus @

One of the things I like to try when I’m not into drawing or painting portraits is creating abstract pages with no particular theme and just let go of all fears regarding the final result. That’s what art journals are for, right? To express yourself freely and unconditionally and let your inspiration flow!

Ce-mi place sa fac atunci cand nu am chef sa desenez sau sa pictez portrete este sa creez pagini abstracte fara nici o tematica particulara si sa las pur si simplu in urma orice frica legata de cum va arata rezultatul final. Pentru asta au fost create art jurnalele, nu? Pentru a ne exprima liber si neconditionat si pentru a lasa inspiratia sa ne calauzeasca!

packaging paper abstract art journal page by Cristina Parus @

On the left page you can see I was trying some oil pastels, just to see how they blend and to have a chart with all of them.

In pagina din stanga puteti vedea cum am incercat cateva pasteluri uleioase, am vrut sa vad cat de bine se mixeaza si sa creez in acelasi timp si un soi de tabel cu toate culorile.

Ei, voi ce-ati mai jurnalit?

Pe curand,


2 responses to “Abstract marks on packaging paper”

  1. I tend to make abstract backgrounds too when I’m out of ideas for a subject. I find it very liberating. It’s like I’m pouring out my subconscious thoughts and feelings.

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      And it feels pretty liberating, isn’t it, Connie!?


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