Package paper Art Journal by Cristina parus @

Alternative art journal paper + soft pastel portrait

Package paper Art Journal  by Cristina parus @

What to do with the packaging left overs? If you are like me, first thing that comes thru your mind is ‘how can I use that?’ Maybe an art journal out of packaging paper? Yeah, why not? I have this paper from an online order that came last week. What to do with it? I thought a journal will work very well, as I’ve seen this kind of journal sometime when I first started with art journaling, only that I never had the chance to create one. 

But now the packaging paper was staring at me and I said to myself ‘this is it’, I got to do something with it. After establishing the dimensions, I punched the paper and tied it up with a piece of burgundy thread. Because the paper was already micro perforated to a certain distance, meaning 18 cm, I had to stick with that heigh. The journal has a width of 19 cm and a heigh of 18cm. After tying the journal in the desired shape, I proceeded on separating the sheets of paper with a ruler.


Ce faci cu hartia de impachetat ramasa de la un ambalaj? Daca  esti ca mine, primul lucru care-ti vine in minte este ‘cum as putea folosi asta’? Poate un art journal din hartie de impachetat? Da, de ce nu? Am hartia asta de impachetat ramasa de la o comanda online care a sosit saptamana trecuta. Ce sa fac cu ea? M-am gandit ca un jurnal ar merge foarte bine, pentru ca am mai facut astfel de jurnale cand abia incepeam cu art journalingul, doar ca niciodata n-am avut sansa sa creez unul.

Dar iata ca acum hartia asta de impachetat se holba la mine si mi-am zis ‘asta e’, trebuie sa fac ceva cu ea. Asa ca dupa ce am stabilit dimensiunile, am perforat hartia si am legat-o cu o ata visinie. Pentru ca hartia era deja microperforata la o anumita distanta, adica 18 cm, a trebuit sa respect aceasta inaltime. Jurnalul are 19 cm latime si 18 cm inaltime. Dupa ce-am legat jurnalul in forma dorita, am dezlipit cu o rigla paginile care erau “lipite”.

Package paper Art Journal  by Cristina parus @


Package paper Art Journal  by Cristina parus @ creativemag.roDon’t forget to decorate the tied thread with beads and charms at your choice! This was you’ll customize your journal and will make it look more attractive.

Nu uitati sa decorati ata cu care ati legat jurnalul adaugand margele si alte pandantive la alegere! Veti personaliza astfel jurnalul si il veti face mai atragator.

Why I like this journal?

  • It’s very light, I can take it with me wherever I go and let my creativity flow
  • It’s perfect for sketches and dry drawings, but it’s far from being suitable for wet media
  • The paper color makes it perfect for portraits
  • All you need to have with you is this journal and a pencil {whatever type you prefer}

De ce imi place acest jurnal?

  • Este foarte usor, pot sa-l iau cu mine oriunde merg si sa las creativitatea sa curga
  • Este perfect pentru schite si desene, dar departe de a se preta pentru medii umede
  • Culoarea hartiei il face perfect pentru portrete
  • Tot ce trebuie sa aveti cu voi este acest jurnal si un creion {de orice fel preferati}

Speaking of which…I had to try it and see what I can get. So I grabbed my soft pastels and painted this beautiful face:

Si ca tot veni vorba…a trebuit sa-l incerc sa vad ce iese. Asa ca am luat repede pastelurile cretate si am pictat aceasta frumoasa fata:

Package paper Art Journal  by Cristina parus @

I painted this after a photo on Pinterest, but I lost the link to it..opsss!

Am pictat dupa o poza gasita pe Pinterest, dar am pierdut linkul catre ea…ops!

Package paper Art Journal  by Cristina parus @

Now it’s you turn! What unconventional materials would you use to make up an art journal?

Acum e randul tau! Ce materiale neconventionale ai folosi pentru a crea un art journal?

Pe curand,

Other soft pastels faces on different types of paper {click to open}

  Portrait in soft pastels by Cristina Parus @    Soft pastel portrait by Cristina Parus #


6 responses to “Alternative art journal paper + soft pastel portrait”

  1. […] yes, I am still working on that handmade art journal you keep seeing around just because I can. And I love the fact that I can let loose my creative […]

  2. […] brown packaging paper, now I kinda started to love it. I wrote about this journal and how I made it here. Now I had to try more wet media to see how it reacts to it. I was surprised to see that the paper […]

  3. […] a walk in the park. I took with me my art journal made from wrapping paper that I wrote about in here. I said to myself to take advantage of this wonderful day and draw directly in nature. But I […]

  4. […] But working after a photo it’s way easier and a great practice. I’m working again in the wrapped paper journal and I’m taking advantage of the brown paper to paint portraits. It helps a lot with shading […]

  5. […] my brown packaging paper art journal? It’s time to draw again and fill in the pages! It’s been a while since I […]

  6. […] an art journal is by using packaging paper you have around the house. You’ve seen already my mini packaging paper journal I posted on the blog last year. I still have plenty of pages to fill in and so many […]

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