Been doing lots of pages and haven’t post in ages about my journal creations. But today I wanna share with you some page I’ve completed a while ago and a short video with bits of the drawing and painting process.
Am facut o gramada de pagini si n-am mai postat de-o gramada de timp nimic despre creatiile mele. Dar astazi vreau sa va arat o pagina pe care am creat-o acum ceva vreme si un video scurt cu parte din procesul de creatie.
Five types of feathers, mostly in watercolor and watercolor pencils, I’ve enjoyed drawing and painting all these although I don’t have them all captured on video.
Cinci tipuri de pene, majoritatea in acuarela si creioane acuarela, mi-a placut sa le desezen pe toate, desi nu le am pe toate filmate.
And this colorful one is my favorite! I overwork it a little bit, I should have left as it was after adding those watercolor pencils, but heh, that’s it now!
Iar aceasta plina de culoare este preferata mea! Am exagerat lucrand la ea, ar fi trebuit s-o las cum era dupa ce am adaugat creioanele acuarelabile, dar heh, asta e acum!
But anyways! I’ll leave you with the video below
Here you can read more about feather symbolism: Symbol Meaning of Feathers.
See you next time!
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