Art Journaling Ilustratii | schite | desene

Barcelona Buildings Quick Sketches

I should sketch buildings more often, but I guess it’s hard to capture them on location if the weather is not that friendly. But we can always work after a photo we took on vacation and capture the beauty of the building in our journals. A sketch has its charming look and will always be more interesting and catchy than a photography could ever be.

Cred ca ar trebui sa schitez cladiri mai des, dar e cam greu sa captezi frumusetea lor in locatie daca vremea nu e chiar atat de prietenoasa. Bine ca putem oricand sa schitam dupa o poza pe care am facut-o in vacanta si sa captam frumusetea cladirilor in jurnalele noastre. O schita are farmecul ei personal si va fi intotdeauna mai interesanta si atragatoare decat o fotografie poate sa fie vreodata.

Barcelona Building Sketching by Cristina Parus @

These sketches show a cathedral door and details of the Arch of Triumph and are loosely sketched, just to capture the shape and minimal details. 

Aceste schite infatiseaza usa unei catedrale si detalii ale Arcului de Triumf, acestea fiind schitate neglijent, atat cat sa capteze forma si detalii minime.


Below you can see other two building sketching/watercolor painting.

Mai jos puteti vedea alte doua cladiri schitate/pictate in acuarela.

Watercolor building – Sf. Anton Church

Filaret Electric Factory in Bucharest

Uzina Electrică Filaret

3 thoughts on “Barcelona Buildings Quick Sketches

  1. Cristina: your blog blog is gorgeous. I love all the experimentation that you have been doing. We are on a similar creative path except that I get sidetracked more often by my attraction to different mediums. Your portrait work has really progressed in the last year since I have been checking your work. I look forward to seeing more of your art in the next year. I can tell it is going to be great!

    1. It’s a pleasure to hear from you, Louise! Thank you so much for the kind, lovely words about my art. I know it has evolved, it’s something that comes natural once you start a practice and draw/paint almost everyday! And yes, this year is going to be the most fabulous year of my life so far, that partly because of big art plans, but mostly because I’m going to become a mom! Thanks for sticking around and following my posts!

      Virtual Hugs and much Love,
      Cristina <3

  2. Lovely sketches! I used to sketch historic buildings back when I was living in Manila, the city capital. I hope to do it again when I get extra time. There’s not much old and historical buildings here in my town.

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