Collage detail by Cristina Parus @
Art Journaling

Collage play!

Flip an old fashion magazine and cut images from the pages that are most appealing to you. I’ve chosen to use some cuts of three women wearing dresses with Byzantine motifs and religious details. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t wear these dresses, so maybe that’s why I was easy for me to cut them out.(I don’t usually like cutting magazines or books


Hey, hey! I’m sure you’re wondering where I disappeared all of the sudden and why the posts are not flowing anymore. Well, I was busy focusing more on my family, but even so, I haven’t stopped creating art journal pages. It’s just that I was unable to write about them. 🙂 In fact, art journaling is of a great help when everything seems to have taken not such a pleasant turning. 

Hey, hey dragii mei! Sunt sigura ca va intrebati unde am disparut deodata si de ce n-am mai postat pe blog. Ei bine, zilele si saptamanile urmatoare va trebui sa ma concentrez mai mult asupra familie, dar chiar si asa, nu m-am oprit din jurnalit. Doar ca n-am apucat sa mai scriu despre ele. 🙂 De fapt, art journaling-ul ajuta foarte mult cand totul pare ca a luat o intorsatura nu tocmai dorita.

Collage detail by Cristina Parus @

Flip an old fashion magazine and cut images from the pages that are most appealing to you. I’ve chosen to use some cuts of three women wearing dresses with Byzantine motifs and religious details. To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t wear these dresses, so maybe that’s why I was easy for me to cut them out.(I don’t usually like cutting magazines or books). I’m using again a journal spread and I started just by adding the cuts directly on the blank pages.

Rasfoieste o revista veche si taie imagini care iti fac cu ochiul. Am ales sa folosesc niste bucati taiate dintr-o revista de moda cu trei femei purtand rochii de inspiratie bizantina cu detalii religioase. Sa fiu sincera, n-as purta astfel de rochii, si poate tocmai de-asta mi-a fost mai usor sa le decupez din revista (de obicei nu-mi place sa tai sau sa rup reviste/carti). Am ales sa lucrez din nou pe doua pagini alaturate si am inceput prin lipirea bucatilor de hartie taiate din revista.

Collage art journal page by Cristina Parus @

 It’s time to add some color to those white spaces on the page, don’t you think? I chose to use warm colors like red, yellow and orange, and smudged them together when they met on the paper. You can use whatever you want: at first I was convinced I want to use acrylics, but then I thought I’ll better play with gel sticks from Faber Castell. 

E timpul sa adaugam culoare in spatiul alb de pe pagina, voi ce spuneti? Am ales sa folosesc culori calde precum rosu, galben si portocaliu, si le-am amestecat putin acolo unde culorile s-au unit. Puteti folosi orice vreti: la inceput eram convinsa ca vreau sa folosesc acrilice, dar apoi m-am gandit ca mai bine m-as juca putin cu batoanele de gel de la Faber Castell.

Collage art journal page by Cristina Parus @

It’s looking pretty good, but there are some adjustments to be made: the right arm for two of the models needs a bit of color and ..shape.

Arata destul de bine, dar mai trebuie inca lucrat la pagina: doua dintre fete au bratul drept putin …incomplet si necesita culoare.


Collage art journal page by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.roIf you take a close look, you will see that the models and the rest of the collaged paper is outlined with a black pencil. That’s not a simple black pencil, but a watercolor one that will smudge around when water added. 

Daca va uitati mai bine, o sa vedeti ca fetele si restul paginilor din colaj sunt evidentiate cu un creion negru. Nu e chiar orice fel de creion, ci unul acuarelabil care se va intinde o data ce am adaugat apa.

Collage art journal page by Cristina Parus @

Well, now you can work more on the background, but I chose to add some lace stamping on the top of the page, coming gradually to the bottom of it. And to add even more to the page, I added my thoughts on the page. 

Bineinteles, puteti lucra mai mult la fundal, dar eu am ales sa folosesc o stampila cu model de dantela in partea superioara a paginii, coborand gradual spre partea inferioara. Si pentru a face pagina si mai interesanta, am scris si cateva ganduri la sfarsit.

Collage art journal page by Cristina Parus @

What have you been journaling lately?

Ce-ati mai jurnalit in ultimul timp?

Pe curand,

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