This is yet just another way of having fun in your art journal while not worrying at all about the result. These rather abstract flowers can be easily called flower buds as the are still close and don’t reveal the shape of the flower. In fact, they look more like leaves than flowers, the only thing that suggest they are flowers is the color I’ve used to color each one of them. And speaking of color, my choice was Caran D’Ache Neocolors 2 for this page and I drew the flowers directly using Neocolors without sketching first. At the end, there are some final touches made using a white Prismacolor pencil.
Acessta este inca un mod de a te distra cu un art journal fara sa-ti faci griji privind rezultatul final. Aceste flori abstracte pot fi usor denumite boboci, din moment ce sunt inca inchisi si nu arata deloc forma floarei. De fapt, florile astea arata mai degraba ca niste frunze, singurul lucru care sugereaza ca sunt flori fiind culoarea pe care am ales s-o folosesc cand le-am colorat pe fiecare in parte. Si ca tot veni vorba de culoare, pentru aceasta pagina am ales sa folosesc creioanele Neocolor 2 de la Caran D’ache si am desenat direct cu ele fara sa mai schitez inainte. La sfarsit, cateva tuse facute cu un creion alb de la Primacolor.
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