Drawing with wax crayons

It can be hard to find time and space to draw and paint with a little one, but not when he’s also into it! So in those moments I draw along with him. This time I thought it would be nice to see if I can draw a face using his Bic wax crayons, and the result was pretty surprising. I kinda like the way it looks and thw marks it leaves on the paper. I continued applying layer afer layer until I find that she’s looking pretty good for a wax crayon drawing.

Of course, I’m inclined to add some acrylic paints over the wax marks, but I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’ll enjoy this drawing just the way it is, because I really like it! Maybe later on I’ll add other materials or paint over some areas, but for now this is just perfect. {After drawing this face I let it sit and return to it a few times before I decided to let it stay as it is. And yes, it’s a good idea to let your creations “sit” a little bit, especially when you’re not sure how to proceed with the creative process.}

As you can see, it doesn’t have to be hard… Keep it simple and you’ll love it! {My son was scribbling in the background 😎}

You can leave it as is, or alter the drawing until you are happy with it. Just follow your intuition and you’ll get the best results!

What have you been painting or drawing in your art journal?

Cristina ❤️


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