Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro
Art Journaling

Embrace the real YOU

Remember the March 1st bright pink page? I took that and added a face on it! Slowly but surely, I have filled more than half of the Derwent Classic Book. And there’s no wonder, I have exclusively worked on it. I can’t recommend it, but *hech, in the end I’ve come to love the pages and learned how to use the pages for best result.

Va mai amintiti de pagina de martisor? Am luat pagina aia si i-am adaugat o fata! Incet, dar sigur, am umplut mai bine de jumatate din jurnalul Derwent Classic Book. Si nu-i deloc de mirare, am lucrat exclusiv doar in acest jurnal. Nu pot spune ca-l recomand, dar hey, am ajuns sa-i iubesc pana la urma paginile si am invatat cum sa le folosesc in avantajul meu pentru rezultate cat mai bune.

Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

I loved the ink on the page: bright, warm, getting out of the page, calling for a girl to be sketched on top of it. So I couldn’t help myself andgrabbed my INKtense pencils. Whatever will come of this, I said to myself and started to sketch a face.

Mi-a placut la nebunie rozul din fundal: aprins, cald, parca iesind din pagina, vrand sa-mi spuna ca art trebui sa desenez o fata peste el. Asa ca nu m-am putut abtine si am tras aproape creioanele INktense. Acum ce-o vrea sa fie, mi-am spus, si am inceput sa schitez o fata.

Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

I almost always start with the eyes. They are the ones coming first on the page, as I try to figure it out where the face will be places on the page. You can still see the marks and drawings underneath the ink spray. They are sitting there speaking about the childish play I had few days before when I started with a blank page.

Aproape intotdeauna incep cu ochii. Ei sunt primii care apar intr-o pagina, in timp ce incerc sa-mi dau seama unde se va incadra fata in pagina. Inca se pot vedea urmele semnelor si desenelor de sub cerneala roz. Stau acolo vorbind despre jocul copilaresc de acum cateva zile cand am inceput cu o pagina alba.

Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

At first I wanted to add only acrylic paint on top of that bright pink, but then I said to myself it will be nicer to have some other colors underneath and started to color with the INKtense pencils. Green, purple, yellow, brown, cappuccino.. and then I added {Amsterdam} Naples Yellow Red Light acrylic paint – a soft and very light peach-beige color which molded the pencil color {ink}, mixing at the same time the pink background ink.

La inceput am vrut sa adaug doar acrilic peste acel roz aprins, dar apoi mi-am zis ca ar fi mai dragut sa adaug si alte culori sub acrilic si am inceput sa colorez fata cu creioane colorate INKtense. Verde, purpuriu, galben, maro, cappuccino…si apoi am adaugat acrilic {Amsterdam} Naples Yellow Red Light – un roz piersica-bej foarte deschis care s-a imbinat minunat cu cerneala creioanelor, amestecandu-se in acelasi timp si cu fundalul roz.

Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Time to work a little bit on the hair, define the lips and nose and also add another layer of Naples Yellow Red here and there…Take a break and come back. Look at the page. What’s missing? What needs to be added? Final touches are welcomed in and you can breath happy with your new art journal page 😉 At first I wanted to leave the ink see though her hair, but all seemed so monochrome and I wanted to bring more color in. And because I love purple and turquoise, I used these two to give her hair a little bit of color. Of course, her hair had more than two colors: I also added poppy red and some lila.

E timpul sa lucram putin la parul ei, sa definim buzele si nasul si sa adaugam inca un strat de acrilic Naples Yellow Red pe ici, pe colo…. Luati o mica pauza si intorceti-va cu alti ochi. Priviti pagina. Ce-i lipseste? Ce-ati adauga? Tusele finale sunt acum binevenite si puteti sa va bucurati deja de noua pagina creata. 😉 La inceput am vrut sa las sa se vada cerneala din spatele parului ei, dar totul parea atat de monocrom, asa ca am vrut sa aduc mai multa culoare. Si pentru ca imi place purpuriul si albastrul turcuaz, am folosit aceste doua culori pentru un strop de culoare in parul ei. Bineinteles, nu m-am limitat la aceste doua culori: in par am mai aplicat si rosu mac si un pic de lila.

Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Few highlights and she’s ready to go! Isn’t she a beauty?

Cateva puncte de lumina si este gata! Nu-i asa ca-i o frumoasa?

Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Embrace the real you by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

I really love the movement in her hair and the look in her eyes.

Imi place efectul de miscare din parul fetei si privirea din ochii ei.

What have you been journaling today?

Ce-ai mai jurnalit azi?

3 thoughts on “Embrace the real YOU

  1. I love the contrasting colors and the highlights. Beautiful work, Cristina! It’s only now that I’m able to access your blog. I’ve been trying to get to this page for almost 2 days now. I often get the “Gateway timeout” message on my browser.

    1. Ops! Have you been trying on mobile? It does that sometimes and it could be the server connection. I suppose you left this comment from your desktop or laptop.
      Thank you for visiting, I had such a great time drawing and painting this face! 😉

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