“In the mirror” mixed media girl – Gratitude
I had this girl waiting for a long time in my spiral bound art journal, but today it’s time to post her on the blog. This girl has a mirrored image on the other page of the journal because when I drew her I’ve used a pastel pencil. Next day I opened the journal, I’ve discovered that there were two girls, meaning one and the same, but…in the mirror!
Fata asta astepta de mult timp in jurnalul cu spirala, iar astazi este timpul sa postez despre ea pe blog. Aceasta fata are o imagine in oglinda pe pagina alaturata pentru ca atunci cand am desenat-o am folosit un creion pastel. A doua zi cand am deschis jurnalul, am descoperit ca erau doua fete, adica una singura, dar…in oglinda!
And how not to love her? I only did the right side of the spread, but the left one is up next!
Si cum sa n-o iubesti? Am terminat doar pagina din partea dreapta, dar stanga vine si ea la rand!
So with no further introduction, here is a short video on how I’ve created this beauty! Watch it and tell me how you like her! 😉
Asa ca fara alta introducere, iata un scurt video si cum am creat aceasta frumoasa fata! Vizionati-l si spuneti-mi cum va place fata! 😉