Looking over my shoulder - Mixed media portrait by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Looking over my shoulder Mixed media face

Similar to this one and this one over here, these paintings have become a beautiful way to express my creativity in my art journals. Creating a charcoal sketch and them developing from there with a mix between white gesso and acrylics is a wonderful way to bring to life new faces in my journal.

Similar cu ce-am desenat aici si aici, aceste picturi au devenit un minunat mod de a-mi exprima creativitatea in jurnalele mele. Sa creez o schita in carbune si apoi sa dezvolt cu un mix intre gesso (grund) alb si acrilice este un mod fantastic de a aduce noi fete in jurnalul meu.

Looking over my shoulder - Mixed media portrait by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Straight postures are wonderful to begin with, but from time to time I like to try tilting a little bit my faces and trying to create a new perspective. Like this girl looking at the viewer over her shoulder. She’s once again a fantastic girl, right out from my imagination, and she looks beautiful. Her lips are kind of weird looking, but I didn’t wanted to try to make them “perfect” just because they are simply not supposed to be perfect.

Posturile cu fata dreapta sunt minunate pentru incepatori, dar din cand in cand imi place sa incerc si fete intoarse, care se uita dintr-o parte, si sa creez o noua perspectiva. Ca si fata asta care se uita peste umar la privitor. Din nou, este o fata fantastica, iesita direct din imaginatia mea, si arata superb. Buzele ei au o forma cam ciudata, dar n-am vrut sa le “perfectionez” pentru simplu fapt ca nu trebuie sa fie deloc perfecte.

Looking over my shoulder - Mixed media portrait by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

And there she is! Now it’s your turn! What are you creating today in your art journal?

Si iat-o! Acum e randul tau! Ce-ai sa creezi astazi in art jurnalul tau?


Pe curand,


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