Messy watercolor profile face by Cristina Parus @

Messy watercolor profile face

To me, watercolor paintings seem pretty hard hard to complete, especially because I don’t care for the rules, but still I am working with watercolors which are transparent and need extra care when it comes to layering color. But I’m working in an art journal, so I’m not worrying too much.

Pentru mine, pictatul in acuarela mi se pare destul de greu, in special pentru ca nu-mi pasa de reguli, dar totusi folosesc acuarela care e un mediu transparent si necesita mai multa atentie cand vine vorba de suprapunerea culorii. Dar lucrez intr-un art jurnal, asa ca nu-mi fac prea multe griji.

Messy watercolor profile face by Cristina Parus @

So today I basically wanted to draw a silhouette and give the illusion of a face by adding contrast between the face and the background. I want to journal around her face, on the blue side of the paper, and then I will probably call the page done. Or I can also use an white roll pen to write in her hair or draw some flowers. What would you do in this case?

Asa ca astazi am vrut sa desenez o silueta si sa dau impresia unei fete prin adaugarea contrastului dintre fata si fundal. Vreau sa scriu in jurul fetei ei, in zona albastra, si gata. Sau as putea sa folosesc un pix alb sa scriu in parul ei sau sa desenez niste flori. Voi ce-ati face?


Now it’s your turn! What would you like to create today in your art journal?

See you soon,


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