Charcoal mixed acrylic paints - dive into mixed media by Cristina Parus @

Mixed media page – messy pigtail braids

I have already started a series with these charcoal faces that keep appearing in my art journals. I cannot help but loving this mix between charcoal pencil and acrylic paints more and more. It created a beautiful layer on the face and there are no rules regarding what you are allowed to use or not. So just grab your charcoal pencil and sketch a face, then add acrylic paints and see what you get. You may be surprised to see that the result ain’t that bad after all.

Am inceput deja o serie de fete in carbune care tot apar la mine in jurnale. Nu pot decat sa iubesc din ce in ce mai mult astfel de pagini nascute din mixarea creioanelor carbune cu acrilice. Acest mix creeaza un strat frumos pe fata si nu exista reguli in ceea ce priveste ce ai voie sa folosesti si ce nu. Asa ca luati un creion carbune si schitati o fata, apoi adaugati acrilic si vedeti ce iese. S-ar putea sa fiti surprinsi si rezultatul final sa nu fie chiar atat de rau.

Charcoal mixed acrylic paints - dive into mixed media by Cristina Parus @

This time I chose to make her with two braided tails and leave her hair just that: black from the charcoal mixed with a little bit of gesso for contrast. The outline of her eyes is not too highlighted and I decided not to add more black and chose the eye color to be brown this time.

De data asta am ales sa ii desenez doua cozi impletite si sa-i las parul asa cum e: negru de la mixul de carbune cu putin gesso pentru contrast. Conturul ochilor nu l-am accentuat prea mult si am ales sa nu adaug mai mult negru, iar ochii am ales sa fie caprui.

Charcoal mixed acrylic paints - dive into mixed media by Cristina Parus @

This time I started with a graphite sketch and only after I got her on the paper I decided to add charcoal, tracing the lines I just created.

DE data asta am inceput cu o schita in creion grafit si doar dupa ce am desenat-o m-am decis sa adaug carbune peste liniile de grafit.

Charcoal mixed acrylic paints - dive into mixed media by Cristina Parus @

The first layer of gesso and flash tones and she already starts to look pretty nice. And adding layer after layer made her look even better at the end of the process:

Primul strat de gesso si acrilic in tonuri de piele si deja incepe sa arate destul de bine. Si adaugand strat dupa strat am facut-o sa arate si mai bine la final:

Charcoal mixed acrylic paints - dive into mixed media by Cristina Parus @

Now it’s your turn! Draw and paint something today and let me know how you love the result. I would love to see what you’ve created!

Acum e randul tau! Deseneaza si picteaza ceva chiar astazi si spune-mi cum iti place rezultatul final. Mi-ar placea sa vad ce-a iesit!


Pe curand,


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