Mixed media redhead beauty
I love to mix all kind of art supplies and for me it seems easier to create a page this way. I don’t feel limited to using just one medium and I am free to reinvent my art all over again.
Today I’m gonna show you a redhead that popped into my journal in the hot days of July. I created this cute little princess intuitively, with no plan ahead, and she just appeared in front of my eyes. And it may seem hard to paint like this, but once you get started and practice a little bit, it will come natural on you.
Imi place sa mixez tot felul de materiale, iar pentru mine pare mai usor sa creez o pagina asa. Nu ma simt limitata de utilizarea unui singur material si sunt libera sa reinventez arta mea din nou si din nou.
Astazi o sa va arat o roscata care a aparut la mine in jurnal intr-una din zilele toride de iulie. Am creat intuitiv aceasta printesa dragalasa, fara un plan anume in minte, iar ea mi-a aparut pur si simplu in fata ochilor. Poate parea greu sa pictezi astfel, dar o data ce pornesti la drum si practici un pic, ti se va parea natural.
It took me an hour or so to paint her from the initial sketch to the final result, and I did it all in one session. The more I was advancing with the painting, the more I wanted to see her finished.
As always, starting with a simple sketch I didn’t get too much on video because I was drawing with the other hand…
Mi-a luat aproximativ o ora s-o pictez de la schita pana la rezultatul final, si am pictat-o intr-o singura sedinta. Si pe masura ce avansam cu pictatul, cu atat mai mult vroiam s-o vad terminata.
Ca de obicei, am inceput cu o simpla schita care nu prea apare pe video pentru ca desenam cu mana cealalta…
Moving on…Once I knew she looks as I want her to look, I added some color. I’m using Caran D’ache Neocolor 2, a great way to add color as you’ll get to see in the video.
Mai departe…o data ce am stabilit ca imi place asa cum arata, am adaugat ceva culoare. Folosesc creioane acuarelabile neocolor 2 de la Caran D’ache, un mod ideal de a adauga culoare, asa cum o sa vedeti in video.
Looking pretty good, but she still needs a lot of work. Here is the moment when you really start to like or hate what you are painting. It’s the moment you decide whether you want to continue or…paint over! I have to admit I was already in love with her look.
Arata destul de bine, dar inca mai e mult de lucrat. In momentul asta fie incepe sa-ti placa, fie incepi sa urasti ce pictezi. E momentul in care te decizi daca vrei sa continui sau…sa pictezi peste! Trebuie sa admit ca deja ma indragostisem de felul in care arata.
The more color added, the better she looked! I knew I have to keep on adding and adjusting her features until I got her ‘perfect’. As you will see in the video, she came to life in the last part of the process, when it was time to add finishing touches on her face, hair and blouse. As you can probably notice, I’ve left her blouse the same color as the background, feeling more natural to leave it like so.
Cu cat adaugam mai multa culoare, cu atat mai bine incepea sa arate! Am stiut ca trebuie sa tot adaug culoare si sa-i definesc trasaturile fetei pana cand avea sa fie ‘perfecta’. Asa cum veti vedea in video, a prins viata in ultima parte a procesului, atunci cand a venit timpul sa adaug ultimele tuse pe fata, in par si pe bluza. Si asa cum probabil puteti observa, am lasat bluza ei in aceeasi culoare cu cea de fundal, a parut natural s-o las asa.
And here is the video making. Please excuse the ‘out of focus’ moments when what I was doing doesn’t really show on cam.
Dar iata si videoul. Va rog sa scuzati momentele in care pe camera nu se vede exact ce faceam.
Thanks for sharing this process, it was interesting and she turned out fabulous!
Oh, yes! That red hair and her face turned out fabulous! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts 😉