Art Journaling

Natural painting surfaces

I think I’ve first found this kind of paintings on Pinterest more than 2 years ago. Since then a lot have changed, and I wanted to try painting on natural surfaces for some time now. I’ve been inspired by Jeanne Oliver’s online class on painting on natural surfaces and created these little wood canvas. I’m constantly looking to discover new painting surfaces and what I’ve found around the house fits perfectly for the purpose.

preparing the natural working surface by Cristina Parus @

First, decide what surface you are going to use. In my case, in the image above you can see some wood left from an old table I had in the yard. I started by applying gesso to the surface, after I’ve cleaned with a smooth cloth. The surface is far from being perfect, which makes it even more interesting to paint on.

Cred ca am gasit tipul asta de picturi undeva pe Pinterest acum mai bine de 2 ani. Multe lucruri s-au schimbat de atunci, iar eu vroiam de mai mult timp sa pictez pe suprafete naturale. M-am inspirat de la cursul online a lui Jeanne Oliver cu picturi pe suprafete naturale si am creat aceste panze din lemn. Ma aflu in permanenta in cautarea unor noi suprafete pe care sa pictez si ce-am gasit pe langa casa se potriveste perfect scopului meu.

Mai intai trebuie sa va decideti ce suprafata veti folosi. In cazul meu, in imaginea de mai sus apar cateva bucati de lemn ramase de la o masa veche pe care o aveam in curte. Am inceput prin a adauga gesso alb, dupa ce am curatat suprafata cu o carpa moale. Suprafata e departe de a fi perfecta, dar tocmai asta e ceea ce o face si mai interesanta de pictat.

Painting on natural surfaces by Cristina Parus @

I wanted to experiment even more, and turned the gesso to a scratched surface using a sand paper. What a fun that was! You can use different grits for the sand paper. Choose somewhere between 80 to 120-grit sandpaper if you want a smooth surface to paint on. For heavy and stripping effects, try 40-60 grit.

Am vrut sa experimentez si mai mult, asa ca am transformat gesso aplicat intr-o suprafata usor zgariata cu ajutorul unui smirghel. Ce distractiv a fost! Puteti folosi diferite granulatii. Algeti intre 80 si 120 daca vreti o suprafata mai fina, sau intre 40 si 60 pentru una mai aspra.

Or you can practically leave it as it, with no sand paper “effect”. 

preparing the natural working surface by Cristina Parus @

Sau puteti sa nu folositi deloc smirghel.

Gesso though it’s still a must, in my opinion. It gives the surface a pretty interesting faded look. Take off some of the gesso with a soft paper tissue until you get the wanted effect. 

Totusi, parerea mea este ca aplicarea unui strat de gesso este obligatorie. Acesta ofera un efect gradual interesant. Luati o parte din gesso cu o bucata de servetel de hartie pana obtineti efectul dorit.

preparing the natural working surface by Cristina Parus @

I then went in with ink pads on the edges, but also adding a little bit here and there on the “face” of every piece. One has even magenta look! 

Apoi am aplicat putina culoare folosind la margini tusiere cu cerneala, dar am adaugat putin si pe “fata” suprafetei. Una are chiar un look magenta!

preparing the natural working surface by Cristina Parus @

Now I’m into faces, but you can draw or paint whatever you want on the surface. I have painted only two faces until now, and the one in the image above it’s not done just yet. But you got the idea, and I hope you’re going to try it your own. 

Cei drept, eu sunt fascinata de fete, dar puteti desena sau picta orice doriti. Pana acum am pictat doar doua fete, iar cea din poza de mai sus nu este inca gata. Dar ati prins ideea si sper sa incercati si voi sa creati propria versiune.

What do you think of it?
Ce parere aveti?

Pe curand,

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