No excuses Art journaling by Cristina Parus @

No excuses Art Journaling

No excuses Art journaling by Cristina Parus @

Don’t know what to journal about? You know that’s just a pathetic excuse for not doing nothing, right?

15 minutes of art journaling won’t take too much of your time. No matter how busy you are, you need to make room for yourself and your creative soul.


One sketch a day - what's on my desk - by Cristina Parus @
Sketching whats on my desk

Try to sketch everything you see around you. It won’t come out as you want, but don’t you worry, keep on trying! And you are doing it just for fun, right? So enjoy along the process and don’t bother if the drawing is not that perfect in the first place. Get inspired by every art journal page you see on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or other websites. And get your buns ready to create!

Still out of inspiration? Don’t know what to journal about? NO EXCUSES Art Journaling! Yeah, that’s a book you can buy on Amazon where Gina Rossi Armfield is showing you some art inspiration in one book! The truth is that you can journal about anything you see around you, from the cup of coffee you have beside your laptop, to the pair of shows you’re wearing! All will add beautifully over the years when you’ll look back and remember how was back then when you…


One sketch a day - coffee break by Cristina Parus @
One day I went to Paul and had these…

Nu stii despre ce sa mai jurnalesti? Dar stii ca asta e doar o scuza patetica sa nu faci nimic, nu-i asa?

15 minute de art journaling nu iti vor lua mult timp. Indiferent cat de ocupat(a) esti, trebuie sa-ti faci timp si pentru tine si sufletul tau creativ.

Incearca sa schitezi tot ce vezi in jurul tau. Nu va iesi chiar asa cum vrei, dar nu-ti face griji, mai incearca! Si oricum schitezi doar pentru propria distractie, nu? Asa ca bucura-te de proces si nu te crampona daca desenul nu iese perfect de la inceput. Inspira-te din fiecare pagina art jurnal pe care il vedeti pe Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter sau in alte pagini web. Si pregataste-te sa creezi!

Sketching over a cup of coffee by Cristina Parus @
Sketching over a cup of coffee with colored pencils

Tot nu ti-ai gasit inspiratia si nu stii despre ce sa jurnalesti? NO EXCUSES Art Journaling! Da, asta e numele unei carti care poate fi cumparata de pe Amazon in care Gina Rossi Armfield ne ofera inspiratie adunata intr-o singura carte! Adevarul e ca poti jurnali orice vezi in jurul tau, de la o ceasca de cafea pe care o ai langa laptop la perechea de pantofi pe care o porti chiar acum! Totul se va adauga frumos peste ani cand te vei uita in urma si-ti vei aminti cum era pe vremea cand…


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