One Sketch a Day
On right! Again back to faces today!
This time I drew it directly with a gel pen and no pencil. This pen is not waterproof, so it smudges a little when water added.
Ei bine, astazi iar am revenit la fete!
De data asta am desenat direct cu un pix cu gel si fara pic de creion. Acest pix nu este rezistent la apa, asa ca se intinde usor atunci cand adaug apa pe hartie.
Just sketch a face in your own style and then add color. This time I’ve used both watercolor pencils as well as watercolor pads.
Schitati o fata in prorpiul vostru stil si adaugati culoare. De data asta am folosit atat creioane acuarelabile cat si acuarele.
And here is how it looks like after adding water and some watercolors! Isn’t she pretty?
Iar asa arata dupa ce am adaugat apa si cateva acuarele! Nu-i asa ca e draguta?
Pe curand,