One sketch a day – eyes
Eyes, all kind of eyes. When you don’t feel like drawing a whole face, draw parts of it! These eyes are drawn with different colored/watercolor pencils.
Ochi, tot felul de ochi. Atunci cand nu ai chef sa desenezi o fata intreaga, deseneaza doar parti! Acesti ochi au fost desenati folosind diferite creioane colorate/acuarelabile.
Last eye, the red one, was a total surprise when I’ve discovered the pencil I thought was just a colored pencil, turned out to be a watercolor one!
Ultimul ochi, cel rosu, a fost o supriza totala atunci cand am descoperit ca nu era doar un creion colorat, ci un creion acuarelabil!
Now it’s your turn! What have you been sketching lately!?
Acum e randul tau! Ce-ai mai schitat in ultimul timp!?
Pe curand,