One sketch a day – girl in watercolors
Going back to faces today. And because I don’t feel like painting mixed media, I’ll stick with watercolors.
First thing first, a pencil sketch. You can use a watercolor, colored or graphite pencil. I’m using a purple watercolor pencil for this face, and if you are afraid of going too bold, you can switch to a soft gray or even a graphite pencil you can very well erase if you wish.
Inapoi la fete. Si pentru ca nu am chef de mixed media, astazi o sa folosesc doar acuarele.
Mai intai, o schita in creion. Puteti folosi un creion acuarela, unul colorat sau un creion grafit. Eu am folosit un creion acuarela purpuriu pentru a desena fata, dar daca va temeti ca e prea mult, puteti folosi un gri deschis sau un creion grafit pentru a putea sterge in voie daca e cazul.
Then started to add colors! First one, a shade of turquoise blue, then soft pink, yellow and so on, until I build this face. It’s worth mentioning that I’m working on a sketchbook, which means the paper is not that water-friendly, so I had to take care of the amount used. All in all, I like her!
Apoi am adaugat culoare! Mai intai, tonuri de turcuaz, apoi un roz pal, galben si asa mai departe, pana cand m-am trezit cu fata asta. Trebuie sa va spun ca am pictat intr-un caiet de schite, ceea ce inseamna ca hartia nu e tocmai prietenoasa cu apa, asa ca a trebuit sa am grija cu cantitatea folosita! Dar ce sa mai, imi place cum a iesit!
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Pe curand,
I actually made a watercolor sketch inspired by this girl in watercolors. You want to see how it looks like?? 😉
Sure thing, Connie! You posted on your blog already? Coz I can/t see it!
No, I haven’t posted it on my blog. Perhaps on Monday ! 🙂
Hi, Cristina! I hope you’re well and fine. Here’s the link to my blog post
Take care always!