One sketch a day - Remote control - by Cristina Parus @

One sketch a day – remote control

Nothing fancy today: just sketching what’s around my desk. And why not sketch the remote control? This one it’s from a tube TV I still have in my house.

Nimic special astazi: schitez pur si simplu ce vad in jur. Si de ce sa nu schitez chiar telecomanda de la televizor? Acesta este de la un Tv cu tub pe care inca il mai am in casa.

One sketch a day - Remote control  - by Cristina Parus @

Of course, the drawing of this remote control is as accurate as I could get it: remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Bineinteles, desenul acestei telecomenzi este atat de precis pe cat am putut s-o desenez: nu uitati ca schitele nu trebuie sa fie perfecte.


Now what about you?

Pe curand,


8 responses to “One sketch a day – remote control”

  1. I love your sketches and I eagerly await for the next sketch. Your sketchbook drawings give me hope, comfort and inspiration. I’m really hoping to make watercolor sketches again ’cause I miss them so much. Oh, I miss DRAWING.

    I haven’t gone back to regular “art programming” since May as I’ve been sooo busy writing (my actual job), doing chores (I get up at 4 a.m.!), and tutoring my kids (plenty of homework!). And there’s just so many errands to accomplish. But I thought I’d let you know that in the midst of all this, I’ve been slowly making 4×6 painting for a local museum exhibit. I’ll fill you in with details next time.

    Ciao for now. XO

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Wow, Connie! But I know you have been busy, very busy!!! Can I suggest a healing meditation?

      I am happy to see you’re now exhibiting at the museum! It’s incredible how you make time for all this!

      Hugs xox

      1. Oh, thank you! I really could use some healing right now after going through tougher times last June. I’m slowly recovering from the trauma and regaining my equilibrium. Hopefully in a few more weeks or months, I’ll be in a better emotional and mental state. I drop by our parish church’s Adoration Chapel once a week to pray the Holy Rosary and to meditate. It helps a lot.

        Take care, Cristina. Keep those sketches coming.

      2. Wow, thanks for sharing this vid. It seems to have a positive effect on me! Seriously!

      3. Cristina, the Creative Mag

        I am so glad, Connie! It helps me a lot, too! Are things I knew already, but we need to just be remembered from time to time. Life is beautiful, even if sometimes it’s hard…

        I stumbled upon some old playing cards today. And some postal stamps. What do you think? Want me to send a few? I don’t have many, but I think you would love to use them in your art journals pages. I’m slowly adding stuff in the envelope before I’ll send it 😉

  2. Connie Avatar

    Sure, Cristina . Do send me whatever you can send 🙂 hope you’re having a good weekend. We just came home from church. Didn’t get to finish the Mass because my little girls are running a fever.

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Oh, I hope she’s better by now! Sending you good vibes! <3

      1. Connie Avatar

        Thanks so much! Both girls have gone back to school. Now it’s the hubby who is sick!

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