One sketch a day – what’s on my desk
So, what’s on my desk today? Well, not quite today, because this sketch was made some while ago, but you only saw it briefly in the Daler Rowney sketchbook flipping video.
Asadar, ce-i pe biroul meu astazi? Bine, nu chiar astazi, pentru ca schita este facuta acum ceva vreme, dar ati vazut aceasta pagina doar in treacat intr-unul dintre videourile mele in care am rasfoit caietul de schite Daler Rowney.
So what’s on my desk? Obviously, my laptop, then a cup of tea, a desk lamp, some calendar and of course, skechbooks all over the place! In fact, the one in the right is the one I was sketching into that day. Now the question is what’s on YOUR desk today? 😉
Deci, ce-i la mine pe birou? Evident, un laptop, apoi o ceasca de ceai, un calendar si bineinteles, caiete de schite peste tot pe birou! De fapt, cel din partea dreapta este chiar cel in care am schitat in acea zi. Acum intrebarea se pune in felul urmator: ce-i pe birou TAU astazi?
Pe curand,