Pink dream by Cristina Parus @
Art Journaling

Art journal page – Pink dream

Pink dream by Cristina Parus @

It’s been a while now since I’ve painted her, but I wasn’t really able to post lately. Here you have this beauty painted on my Derwent Classic Book, the A4 format, using Darwi inks, watercolors, some acrylics and of course, colored/watercolor pencils!

The process was so smooth and so relaxing, that I totally forgot to take photos! So I don’t really have a pencil sketch fot this girl, because I’ve painted over in no time.

E ceva timp de cand am desenat si pictat fata asta, dar nu prea am putut sa postez in ultima vreme. Iata aici frumusetea asta pictata in jurnalul meu de la Derwent Classic Book, in format A4, folosind cerneala de la Darwi, acuarela, cateva acrilice si bineinteles, creioane colorate/acuarelabile!

Procesul a fost atat de lin si relaxant, incat am uitat complet sa fac poze! Asa ca nu am o schita increion pentru aceasta fata, pentru ca am pictat cat ai zice peste.

Pink dream by Cristina Parus @

Above you can see her in one intermediary stage, when I was still defining her face. I didn’t bother at all on how to draw her arm, and I feel very comfortable by simply leaving it the way it is: undefined. Remember, this is a whimsical creature, it exists only in my imagination and I can draw or paint her as I want.

Mai sus puteti vedea un stadiu intermediar, atunci cand inca ii defineam trasaturile fetei. Nu m-am stresat cum sa-i desenez bratul, si imi place cum i l-am lasat: nedefinit. Nu uitati ca asta e ceea ce numesc eu o creatura whimsical, deci ea exista doar in imaginatia mea si o pot desena sau picta cum vreau.

Pink dream by Cristina Parus @

The background could have been a little bit happier and busy, but for some reason I loved the watery effect of the inks: both the background as well as her blouse were painted using Darwi inks. Her hair and her arms and face were made using watercolors. I defined her facial features with a pencil, as usual. I love the way the pencil marks look on top on watercolors.

Fundalul ar fi putut fi mai bogat si mai vesel, dar nu stiu din ce motiv mi-a placut efectul apos pe care l-au creat cernelurile: atat fundalul cat si bluza ei sunt pictat cu cerneala Darwi. Parul, bratele si fata au fost pictate cu acuarele. Ca de obicei, am definit trasaturile faciale cu un creion. Imi plac la nebunie atingerile diafane ale creioanelor colorate peste acuarela.

Pink dream by Cristina Parus @

Now there she is! I love her eyes!

Si iat-o! Iubesc ochii ei!

Voi ce-ati mai jurnalit in ultima vreme?

Pe curand,

4 thoughts on “Art journal page – Pink dream

    1. Oh, her hair! It came easy to draw and paint it, Connie! I haven’t studied in any way for the hair should fall on her shoulders, I just painted it with a brush and that’s what it came out!

      Thanks for stopping by :*

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