Portrait in colored pencils - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Portrait in colored pencils

Portrait in colored pencils - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Remember the January 2015 colored 30 portraits in 30 days project I post about here? Some of the faces were painted using mixed media, some in watercolor, but lots of them were drawn using colored pencils. 

This face you’re seeing today was inspired by a photo I found on the web and I thought it would be nice to try to draw it in colored pencils. It was a little hard for me to stick with the proportions, because I tend to draw bigger and get out of the page with the face. Well, it took me some time to draw this face although you wouldn’t say, but was worth it all the way because I love the end result!


Portrait in colored pencils - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Va mai aduceti aminte de proiectul din ianuarie 2015, 30 de portrete in 30 de zile despre care am scris aici? Unele fete au fost pictate folosind tehnica mixta, altele in acuarela, dar multe dintre ele au fost desenate folosind creioane colorate.

Fata pe care o feteti astazi a fost inspirata de o poza gasita pe internet si m-am gandit imediat ca ar fi frumos s-o desenez in creioane colorate. A fost putin can greu sa pastrez proportiile, pentru ca am tendinta sa desenez in stil mare si sa ies din pagina cu fata. Ei bine, mi-a luat ceva sa desenez fata asta desi nu pare, insa a meritat pentru ca-mi place rezultatul!

Portrait in colored pencils - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro


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