Mixed media Pretty face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro
Art Journaling

Pretty girl

Mixed media Pretty face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

So after having my junk journal base done, I’m now going to fill it in with all kind of embellishments and alter the journal. Remember, this journal will be in an ever changing state because I can add, stick, remove pages, paint, draw, etc. 

My preferred way to alter this is by painting over the pages or just drawing where the paper doesn’t allow for paint to go. As the journal cover is thicker than the rest of the pages, I thought would be nice to paint directly on the cardboard that straighten the front cover. And what else to paint other than a face? 😉 

You already saw the sketch of this face in a photo I posted yesterday on my Facebook Page. The cardboard was pretty much allowing so I started with a sketch and ended up with a painted face. I really love the warm autumn limited palette I’ve used and I think this is mainly the reason why she came to look so gorgeous in the end. 

Dupa ce am construit baza junk jurnalului, am sa incep sa il influmusetez cu tot felul de elemente si sa-l alterez in fel si chip. Nu uitati, acest jurnal este in continua transformare pentru ca pot sa adaug, sa lipesc, sa inlatur pagini, sa le pictez, sa desenez, etc..

Modul meu preferat de a altera este de a picta sau doar desena in paginile care nu permit adaugarea de culori acrilice. Si cum coperta jurnalului este mai groasa decat restul paginilor, m-am gandit ca ar fi frumos sa pictez direct pe cartonul ce serveste drept intaritura la coperta frontala. Si ce altceva sa pictez daca nu o fata? 😉

Ati vazut deja schita cu acesta fata intr-o poza pe care am postat-o ieri in profilul meu de Facebook. Cartonul e destul de permisiv asa ca am inceput cu o schita ce s-a transformat intr-o fata pictata. Imi place la nebunie paleta limitata de culori tomnatice pe care am folosit-o si cred ca asta e unul dintre motivele principale pentru care a iesit atat de scumpa.

Mixed media Pretty face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

So I did a quick sketch, out of my imagination…

Am inceput cu o schita rapida, din imaginatie…

Mixed media Pretty face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Then the “muddy” face came in…to be honest, I kinda love this look. It’s unfinished, raw, beautiful! 

Apoi m-am trezit ca am o fata cu contururi destul de neclare…care, sa fiu sincera, imi place la nebunie. Arata neterminata, neprocesata, frumoasa!

Mixed media Pretty face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Then adding more and more color and details and watching her transformation…

Apoi am adaugat mai multa culoare si am definit trasaturile fetei privind-o cum se transforma…

Mixed media Pretty face by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Keep on adding details and adjust her features until you feel it’s done. You’ll know this once you keep on practicing 😉 

Am tot adaugat detalii si am ajustat trasaturile fetei pana cand am simtit ca e gata. Veti sti cand sa va opriti daca exersati indeajuns de mult 😉


Pe curand,

3 thoughts on “Pretty girl

  1. Foarte draguta! poate pana la urma nu mai trebuie sa-mi cumpar un jurnal, pictez si eu pe ce apuc….dar culori tot nu am, adica acrilice dintr-asta si rebuie sa cumpaar

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