Sketching buildings has never been my best skill. I never took classes on drawing and perspective always seemed so complicated to me. But that doesn’t mean I cannot sketch just for the sick of it in my art journal: it doesn’t have to be perfect and it isn’t.
Schitarea cladirilor nu a fost niciodata unul dintre talentele mele. N-am urmat niciodata clase de desen, iar perspectiva mi s-a parut intotdeauna complicata. Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu pot sa schitez doar asa de dragul de a schita la mine in jurnal: nu trebuie sa fie si nici nu este perfect.
If you take a good look at this two sketches, you’ll probably notice the bad perspective – but who cares? I did it anyway. And in the end, I kinda like it. I was inspired by a photo found on Pinterest and I thought it will be nice to try something quick and simple.
Daca va uitati cu atentie la aceste doua schite, veti observa probabil perspectiva gresita – dar cui ii pasa? Am desenat oricum. Iar la sfarsit chiar mi-a placut ce-a iesit. M-am inspirat dupa o poza gasita pe Pinterest si m-am gandit ca ar fi dragut sa incerc ceva rapid si simplu.
They say it’s easy to draw beautiful – well balanced and perspective-correctly buildings once you understand the basics. And who knows, maybe you’ll gonna love it so much that you’re going to become an urban sketcher!
Se spune ca este usor sa desenezi cladiri frumoase si bine echilibrate din punct de vedere al perspectivei, o data ce ai inteles notiunile de baza. Si poate cine stie, o sa ajungi sa-ti placa atat de mult incat sa faci parte din cei care schiteaza peisaje urbane.
Ce-ai mai schitat nou in jurnal?
Pe curand,
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