Tag: jurnal
Abstract marks on packaging paper
The easiest and least expensive way to make an art journal is by using packaging paper you have around the house. […]
11+ artists that inspired my art journey
I remember when I started with art journaling..! So many pages, so many artists! I felt overwhelmed by the variety […]
Soft Pastel Portrait
Yesterday I went back to graphite pencils and drew this girly-face in my Derwent Art Journal. It was pretty ugly […]
Cum sa-ti faci un jurnal acuarela
Cam greu sa gasesti in Romania jurnale pentru acuarela care sa fie cusute. Sunt cele de la Derwent, destul de […]
La revedere 2014, bun venit 2015!
Ei da, a mai trecut un an. Inca un an a zburat cu viteza luminii! Craciunul a trecut, iar noul […]