Art Journaling

Transforma o carte veche intr-un jurnal!

Art journaling activity doesn’t have to be expensive at all. You can find resources where you do not even think. Moreover, they are used successfully by artists from all over the world, and in America the concept of transforming each object into a new one is very common. Why throw when you can reuse? I am glad that we follow this trend (after many others badly applied to us!) And use what we have to give it another life.

The same thing happens with an art journal, you can make it from any material you want, you can make it head-to-tail, the case when you add the sheets, or you can combine various old books that you can turn into an art journal.

I know many of you will say that you cannot throw a book: how to break an (old) book !? Not every (old) book can be transformed to create a journal in which to paint. The book should have certain sheets, namely some that have a thickness that allows the addition of acrylic colors, pencils, collages, water, etc. Thus, a book with normal pages is not very likely to be transformed into a journal because it will be very difficult to paint on its pages without breaking them. It also depends on how much water you choose to use.


Art journaling-ul nu trebuie deloc sa fie costisitor. Se pot gasi resuerse unde nici nu te gandesti. Mai mult, acestea sunt folosite cu success de artisti din intreaga lume, iar in America este foarte des intalnit conceptul de transformare a fiecarui obiect intr-unul nou. De ce sa arunci cand poti refolosi?

Ma bucur ca urmam si noi trendul acesta (dupa multe altele prost aplicate la noi!) si folosim ceea ce avem pentru a-i oferi o alta viata.

La fel se intampla si cu un art journal, il poti confectiona din orice material doresti, poti sa-l faci tu cap-coada, atunci cand ii adaugi tu foile, sau poti combina diverse carti vechi pe care le poti transforma intr-un art journal.

Stiu, multi dintre voi vor ‘sari’ ca arsi: cum sa strici o carte veche!? Nu orice carte (veche) poate ajunge insa material pentru crearea unui jurnal in care sa poti picta. Aceasta trebuie sa aiba anumite foi, si anume unele ce au o grosime care sa permita adaugarea de culori acrilice, creioane, colaje, etc. Astfel, o carte cu pagini normale nu prea are sanse sa fie transformata intr-un jurnal pentru ca va fi foarte greu sa pictam pe paginile acesteia fara sa le rupem. Acum depinde si cat de multa apa folosim.

Old book into Art Journal - Cum transformi o carte intr-un art joournal

The book in the picture is one with hard covers which offers an ideal support when drawing inside it. The pages are glossy and their thickness is average: you can add primer to give them even more texture, and then add color without problems. Master chef – because it’s called the book, it was on sale at Auchan and I only paid about $1. The content is not that interesting, presenting ways to fry the brain in butter. Sorry, I mean roasting meat in butter, oils of all kinds and the like. So I have no regrets I turned it into an art journal. In fact, this was the only reason I bought it.

What do you think of it? Would you transform a book into a journal?

See you next time!


Cartea din imagine este una cu coperti rigide care ofera un suport ideal atunci cand desenam in interiorul acesteia. Paginile sunt lucioase, iar grosimea acestora este una medie: se poate adauga grund pentru a le oferi si mai multa textura, iar apoi se adauga fara probleme culoare.

Master chef – pentru ca asa se numeste cartea, era la reducere la Auchan si am dat doar 5 ron pe ea. Continutul este total neinteresant pentru mine, prezentandu-se modalitati de prajire a creierului in untura. Scuzati-ma, de prajire a carnii in unt, uleiuri de tot felul si altele asemenea. Deci nu am nici un regret ca am transformat-o intr-un art journal. De fapt, acesta a fost singurul motiv pentru care am cumparat-o.

Ce parere aveti? Ati transforma o carte intr-un jurnal?

Pagini din carte va arat data viitoare!

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