Searching for stamps at a good quality and affordable price, I bump into Viva Decor acrylic stamps. If you’re into art journaling, scrapbooking or you’re a card maker, then you probably have heard about them. They are acrylic stamps ideal to be used for a large array of projects, they are good for art journaling as well as for other activities and they are easy to use.
In cautarea unor stampile al caror raport calitate-pret sa ma multumeasca, am dat peste stampilele de la Viva Decor. Daca va place art journalingul, scrapbookingul sau creati felicitari, atunci probabil ati auzit de ele. Sunt stampile acrilice ideale pentru o gama larga de proiecte, se preteaza bine stat pt art journaling cat si pentru alte activitati si sunt usor de folosit.
Speaking of which, these stamps can only be used with an acrylic block which you have to buy separately. But even so, I use them without the acrylic block because they come off hard from the protective sheet they come with, and once I take them off the protective sheet, they don’t adhere to the acrylic block anymore. Maybe this is the way they are, or what I bought isn’t in accordance with the best quality requirements.
Si ca tot veni vorba de folosit, aceste stampile pot fi folosite doar pe suportul acrilic care trebuie achizotionat separat. Cu toate acestea, eu le folosesc fara suport pentru ca se desprind greu de pe folia protectoare si o data desprinse, acestea nu mai adera deloc pe suportul acrilic. Fie pur si simplu asa sunt, fie am nimerit eu un lot nu tocmai conform cu normele.
Desi stampilele VIVA DECOR se gasesc pe mai multe siteuri din Romania, eu le-am cumparat de pe, un site despre care am mai scris si aici. Alte siteuri pe care mai pot fi gasite la noi sunt: Art Hobby Creativ, Chic & Art Shop, Craft Mall si ComplexArt. Este posibil sa fie si pe alte siteuri peste care n-am dat inca, dar deja aveti de unde alege. Fiecare dintre aceste magazine online are particularitatile sale si le veti indragi mai mult pe unele in detrimentul altora.
Although VIVA DECOR acrylic stamps can be found on different online shops in Romania, I bought them from, a website I also wrote about in here. Other online shops where you can find these stamps are Art Hobby Creativ, Chic & Art Shop, Craft Mall and ComplexArt. It’s possible to be found on other website I don’t know about, you you already have plenty to choose from. Each of these online shops has its specific particularities and you will love some better than others.
Back to the Viva Decor stamps, the fact that I cannot use them with the acrylic block doesn’t bother me that much. I cut the protective sheet close to each stamp and I use them just like that, without removing the protective sheet, and after using the stamps I store them in their original packaging to prevent bending.
Revenind la stampilele Viva Decor, faptul ca nu le pot folosi direct pe suportul acrilic nu ma deranjeaza. Am taiat folia protectoare pe langa fiecare stampila in parte si le folosesc exact asa, fara sa mai indepartez folia protectiva, dupa care le pun la loc in cutia originala, pentru a le pastra forma si a preveni indoilrea acestora.
After buying enough stamps, don’t forget to also buy some ink pads, the one based on ink are preferred before the pigment ones. The latter ones dry very slowly and will give you headaches..Te pigment won’t get dry not even the next day, especially if you stamp on a glossy surface!
Acrylic stamps are best to use in art journaling and they don’t take too much room in your studio.
Iar dupa ce v-ati facut un stoc de stampile, nu uitati sa cumparati si cateva tusiere, de preferat pe baza de cerneala si nu pigment. Acesta din urma se usuca foarte greu si va va da batai de cap..Pigmentul nu se va usca nici a doua zi, mai ales daca este folosit pe suprafete lucioase!
Stampilele acrilice sunt cele mai bune cand vine vorba de art journaling si nu ocupa nici mult spatiu in studio.
Pe curand,
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