Painting in nature - by Cristina Parus @

Warm autumn days – painting in nature

Painting in nature - by Cristina Parus @

While there is still warm outside, grab your painting travel kit and get outside to kiss the sun. As I was saying yesterday, it will make a great difference later on, when the days won’t be that pretty anymore. 

Cat inca mai este cald afara, luati cu voi setul de pictura si iesiti afara sa sarutati soarele. Asa cum spuneam ieri, veti vedea diferenta mai tarziu, cand zilele nu vor mai fi atat de frumoase.

Painting in nature - by Cristina Parus @

You can draw anything you like, I preferred to stick with an imaginary face.

Puteti desenea orice doriti, eu am preferat sa desenez o fata din imaginatie.

Painting in nature - by Cristina Parus @

I’m working in a sketchbook from Canson One, so the paper is not that allowing with water, so I only used very little in the process, just enough to activate the color and give it a pretty washy look.

Lucrez intr-un caiet de schite de la Canson One, iar ca hartia nu-i prea permisiva cu apa, asa ca am folosit doar putina, cat sa activez culoarea si sa creez un efect subtil.

Painting in nature - by Cristina Parus @

Once I got back into the studio, I defined her features with Prismacolor pencils and wrote down some of the thoughts that were jumping inside my head, like the two people that sat on the bench next to mine and the way they made the quiet of that moment flew away. 

O data ajunsa inapoi in studio, am definit trasaturile fetei cu ajutorul creioanelor Prismacolo si am scris cateva ganduri ce-mi treceau prin minte, cum ar fi despre cei doi oameni care au stat pe o banca foarte apropiata de a mea si au facut ca linistea acelui moment sa dispara.

Painting in nature - by Cristina Parus @


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