Watercolor Orange Lilies by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Watercolor Orange Lilies

Sometimes I just want something clean and simple, and watercolors are just fabulous to play with. The orange lilies were already withering so I thought now it’s the moment to draw and paint them. 

I’ve used Derwent Aquatone woodless pencils to color the flowers. The journal used was Classic Book from Derwent in A5 format (165gms/11olbs).


Watercolor Orange Lilies by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Uneori vreau ceva curat si simplu, iar acuarelele sunt fabuloase pentru asta. Crinii portocalii incepusera sa se usuce deja, asa ca m-am gandit ca acum e momentul sa-i desenez si sa-i pictez.

Am folosit creioane fara lemn de la Derwent, Aquatone, pentru a colora florile. Jurnalul folosit a fost unul de la Derwent, Classic Book, in format A5 (165gms/11olbs).

Watercolor Orange Lilies by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro


5 responses to “Watercolor Orange Lilies”

  1. Glad to have found your blog. Your lilies are looking good. X

  2. Hi, I tried to leave a comment before but somehow I was not able to. Anyway hope this one goes through. I am glad to have found your blog though. Like your orange lilies. X

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Hello dear Sujata! Your comments went through, I just have to approve them before showing live on the page. 😉 I’ve found your blog through Instagram I believe, and was a “happy mistake”. Nice to meet you and your art!

  3. Fresh or withering, flowers are a joy to paint! I like how you rendered your lilies using Aquatones. =)

    Sorry to be away for quite a while. I’ve been busy with work and home stuff. But I manage to squeeze in some time for art journaling. And I hope to post a few on my blog next week.

    Take care, Cristina. Keep those creative juices flowing!

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Hey, Connie! I was away for the last few days, too, I have to post more faces for the #29faces challenge in September!

      Thanks for stopping by to leave a comment, it’s always nice to read your lines. 😉

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