March 1st Painting Flowers Project by Cristina Parus @

Watercolor Pink Magnolia

As you already know by know, March is going to be all about flowers. I don’t particularly want to draw realistic flowers, but I chose flowers because they are a nice subject, easy to complete in an art journal depending on what style you choose to use, and are fast, especially when you don’t have too much time, but you still want to fill in a journal page.

Cum probabil stiti deja, luna martie o sa fie despre flori. Nu vreau neaparat sa pictez flori in mod realistic, dar am ales sa pictez flori pentru ca sunt un subiect dragut, usor de pictat intr-un art jurnal in functie de ce stil alegeti, si pot fi pictate rapid, mai ales daca nu aveti prea mult timp, dar vreti totusi sa pictati o pagina in jurnal.

March 1st Painting Flowers Project by Cristina Parus @

Didn’t took too much time to paint this magnolia flower. I just grabbed my watercolor set and got going with the petals of the flower, letting it dry between the layers, as the paper is definitely not watercolor, and I didn’t want it to bend too much.  Of course, you can pick any flower you want, any style!

Nu mi-a luat prea mult timp sa pictez aceasta magnolie. Mi-am luat setul de acuarele si am inceput s apictez petalele, lasand foaia sa se usuce intre straturile de culoare pentru ca hartia nu e nici pe departe hartie pentru acuarela si n-am vrut sa se indoaie prea mult. Desigur, puteti alege orice floare doriti, orice stil!

What’s your favorite flower?

Care e floarea ta preferata?


See you soon,


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