what are eyes for you - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

What are the eyes for you – mixed media journal page

I’ve drew this journal page in stages a while ago sometime last year. It started as a page where I was trying new handmade foam stamps and smudging acrylic paint left from working on other pages. You can really see the stave (stamp) showing through the acrylic. 

Am desenat aceasta pagina pe bucatele, candva anul trecut. A inceput ca o pagina unde incercam noile mele stampile handmade din spuma si unde mazgaleam vopseaua acrilica ramasa de la alte pagini. Puteti vedea portativul (stampila) prin stratul de acrilic.

what are eyes for you - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

This is more of a typical journal page, where you draw or paint different parts of the face or just details of items – and somehow these are catchy simply because they are not presented as a whole and left unfinished at some degree.

ACeasta pagina este o pagina tipica ditr-un art jurnal, unde desenezi si pictezi diferite parti ale fetei sau doar detalii ale unor lucruri – si cumva tocmai asta face mai interesanta pagina pentru ca nu sunt prezentate ca un tot unitar si de cele mai multe ori lasate neterminate.

what are eyes for you - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

And the truth is that you don’t really have to finish these pages, or you can call them finished even if there probably aren’t that much.

Si adevarul e ca nu trebuie neaparat sa termini astfel de pagini, sau le poti numi terminate chiar daca ele nu prea sunt.

what are eyes for you - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

What I know is that finishing a page is not that important. Most important is the moment, the process, the feeling that you get when you create a journal page. It can become anything and everything. Who knows? That’s the thing: you don’t have to know! In the end, it sums up to what you choose to see with your eyes and how much importance you put in what you see. 

Ce stiu cu siguranta este ca nu terminarea unei pagini este important. Cel mai important este momentul, procesul, sentimentul acela pe care il ai cand creezi o pagina intr-un art journal. Poate deveni orice si tot ce (nu) ti-ai imaginat. Cine stie? Tocmai asta e: nu trebuie sa stii dinainte! La final totul se rezuma la ceea ce alegi sa vezi cu proprii ochi si cat de mult pretuiesti ceea ce vezi.

Pe curand,


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