Art Journaling

What to write in a junk journal

I’ve been attracted to junk journals since I first discovered them on the internet. They are so easy to make and the possibilities are so endless, that it’s easy to get started with what you have around and build your own journal. If you don’t know how to make your junk journal, 💜 check out this post 💜 where I show you my most loved junk journal!

So you probably wonder what do you do with a junk journal and why you should keep one. There are several ways in which you can use one and here is a list of just a few of them. A junk journal is like any other journal, only that is made up from “Junk” stuff you have gathered around. You don’t want to throw it away, but it’s

to write
in a
junk journal

1). Wrote down your impressions. If your junk journal is made out of ephemera pieces just like mine is, you can use the pages to write your personal notes about the experiences you had when you traveled in Barcelona, for example. I have many metro tickets and different cards from cafes and other stores I visited in my trip to Barcelona, so I can add a note with my impression on the trip or on a particular place I visited.

2). Write your favorite quotes. Pick your favorite quotes and hand write them in your junk journal to create a special, unique effect from the mix of hand-lettering with the junk journal background. This will add value to the pages and allow you to remember a certain moment or event by simply reading that quote you were in resonance at the moment of creating the page.

3). Life milestones. New job or new house. New beginnings. Giving birth to your first child, getting your children to school on their first day, starting a new online course, getting married and many other life milestones. It will feel so good and intimate to read them after many years, when maybe you’ll look at all these events with a different eye.

4). Express your gratitude. Because where there is gratitude, there is happiness. Being grateful for what you have in life brings even more to be grateful for! So track your blessings and be prepared for even more to come in your life. The gratitude from small little things decrease the stress levels, helps you to be calmer and what’s more important, it gives you a new perspective on life in the moments you feel lost and need a little encouragement.

5). Write about your likes and dislikes. We all have likes and dislikes and keeping a list of these is a great way to pin down a certain feeling, emotion, state of being, a special day, etc.

Check out this blog post, too! ↖↖↖

6). Note down positive affirmations and uplifting thoughts. Some say they work, some say they don’t. But what you can do is to try it for yourself. A positive attitude is always preferable instead of being grumpy and negative. Be sure to pick the ones that most resonate with your personality and create mantras of your own. Just like quotes, these positive affirmations can become your starting point for a fresh perspective.

7). Use your junk journal for your Wish list. Simply note down the things you want to buy. This is a vanity list, it might contain the latest make-up set you saw on that fashion magazine or that sporty smart watch you want so badly for so long. Or maybe you want to buy new art supplies or the latest mixed media journal you saw on your favorite online shop!

8). I want “to do list”. Build a list with the things you want to learn, do, make, maybe a new online course you want to attend, places you want to travel, and anything else you want to achieve. Then remember to flip thru the journal often to remember what you wrote and take action towards your goals.

Exercise your hand writing!

Tell me, how long has been since you last wrote with a pen? I bet it’s been a while, especially if you are working as a web designer or programmer or any other job that implies typing at the computer, you probably haven’t wrote on a paper for some time now. Handwriting = Brainpower ! Handwriting fully engages your brain, calms your mind and your body, unleashes creativity and helps with depression and anxiety. These are only some of the benefits that you should take advantage of! Take your favorite pen and write some lines in your journal!

2 thoughts on “What to write in a junk journal

  1. I tried to start a junk journal before but never quite moved on with it. I do collect ephemera and include them in some of my journal pages. 🙂

  2. Hello, Connie!
    I could swear you have plenty of junk journals in your stash! But it’s never too late to start one!!! 😘 Hugs from România! 🤗🤗🤗

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