Whimsical face on loose Mixed Media paper
Painting on loose paper is preferred by many artists because it gives you the freedom to manipulate the paper in a much easier way than you have the chance to do with a journal page.
I started this face after an exercise Pam Carriker published in her book, Mixed Media Portraits. I didn’t follow precisely the instructions of the exercise, because I wanted to change it a little bit.
Pictatul pe coli de hartie individuale este preferat de multi artisti pentru ca iti ofera acea libertate de a manipula hartia mult mai usor decat ai face-o cu o pagina dintr-un jurnal.
Am inceput aceasta fata ca un exercitiu publicat de Pam Carriker in cartea ei, Mixed Media Portraits. Nu am urmat exact instructiunile exercitiului pentru ca am vrut sa ajustez putin rezultatul.
Look at this sketch! It has a very wide neck which makes her kind of realistic although it is not: I painted her and let her reveal on the paper without applying every step Pam stipulated in her book.
Uitati-va la aceasta schita! Are un gat foarte lat, ceea ce-o face sa para cam realista, desi nu este: am pictat-o si am lasat-o sa se desfasoare pe hartie fara sa aplic pas cu pas exercitiul lui Pam.
Here I added color: neocolor 2 and some watercolor pancil. It’s kind of “green with envy”, but let me add one more layer to bring some pinkness into her cheeks and you’ll see how she emerges into something very beautiful. . .
Aici am adaugat culoare> creioane acuarelabile neocolor 2 si ceva creion acuarelabil. Este cam “verde de invidie”, dar stati sa adaug inca un strat de vopsea ca sa-i dau putina viata in obraji si o sa vedeti cum se transforma in ceva foarte frumos…
And there she is! I’ve painted on mixed media Canson paper (200 grm), on a A5 format. That thing on her hair it meant to be the hair, although I left her face into some kind of an egg shape and looks a little bit strange. 😉
Si aici e gata! Am pictat-o pe hartie mixed media de la Canson (200 gr), in format A5. Chestia aia din capul ei vrea sa fie parul, desi i-am lasat fata in forma de ou si arata cam ciudat. ;))
Voi despre ce-ati mai jurnalit in ultimul timp?
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