ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @
Art Journaling

Almost April

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

One thing is for sure: I started to like this muddy style, when you use your brush almost in an uncontrolled manner, just to create that negligent feel on the subject’s face. But I can tell it takes time and practice to actually achieve this painted look. And of course, a lot of layering because you need more than just one or two layers of paint.

Un lucru este sigur: a inceput sa-mi placa acest stil murdar, cand folosesti pensula intr-o mariera aproape necontrolata pentru a crea un sentiment de neglijenta pe fata subiectului. Dar va pot spune ca cere timp si practica pentru a ajunge la acel efect ‘pictat’. Si, desigur, multe straturi de vopsea pentru ca e nevoie de mai mult de unul sau doua.

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

It all started with an imaginary sketch I did in my Derwent Classic One journal (A5), while in the left side of the journal you can see a little gesso mixed with the watercolors underneath the page, a drawing I wasn’t so proud of.

Totul a inceput cu o schita imaginara in jurnalul Derwent Classic One (A5), in timp ce in partea stanga puteti vedea putin gesso amestecat cu creioanele acuarelabile de dedesubt, un desen de care nu eram prea mandra.

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

After the gesso was completely dry, I started to add acrylics on the face and the girl was looking like a ghost at first. But that is just a phase and there are many layers to come.

Dupa ce gesso s-a uscat complet, am inceput sa adaug acrilice pe față si fata la inceput arăta ca o fantomă. Dar asta e doar o faza si urmeaza multe alte straturi de acrilic.

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

Almost April…almost ready! In no time, this girl arose in my journal! And she’s looking amazing! Don’t ask me how many layers of paint, coz I lost count! It doesn’t really matter, as long as you keep on adding until you get the result you like.

Aproape aprilie….aproape gata! Cat ai zice peste, aceasta fata a aparut la mine in jurnal! Si arata uimitor! Nu ma intrebati cate straturi de acrilic am adaugat pentru ca am pierdut numarul! Si nu prea mai conteaza, din moment ce oricum adaugi strat dupa strat pana cand simti ca ai obtinut ceea ce vrei.

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

And when she was almost ready to go, I felt she needed a sister, so I’ve created this half-faced upside down girl watching the bald girl from the other side of the page. I wanted something special, so why not draw her sister upside down? It’s the moment to add the last details and call it done…

Si cand pagina wra aproape gata, am simtit ca i-ar prinde bine o surioara, asa ca am creat aceasta jumatate de față care se uita in jos catre fata cheala de pe pagina cealalta. Am vrut sa fie ceva special, asa ca de ce sa nu-i desenez surioara cu capul in jos? Acum e momentul sa adaug ultimele detalii si gata…

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

But wait! This page brings a special message: always listen to yourself! I made this spread page for Exprima-te very scrap! Art Journaling March challenge: ‘feelings’. In fact, these two girls can be seen as being the face of the same person in different stages.

Dar stai! Aceasta pagina are un mesaj special: asculta-ti intotdeauna inima! Am creat aceste doua pagini alaturate pentru provocarea Art Journaling de pe Exprima-te very scrap! , cu tema ‘sentimente’. De fapt, aceste doua fete pot fi vazut ca fiind fața aceleasi persoane in stadii diferite.

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

And here is the message I chose to use, because all you need to do is to listen to your heart: deep inside it knows what’s best for you!

Si iata si mesajul ales de mine, pentru ca tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa-ti asculti inima: in adancul sufletului ea stie mai bine ce este cel mai bine pentru tine!

ALMOST APRIL by Cristina Parus @

And here it’s the final result! How not to love them?

Si iata si rezultatul final! Cum sa nu le iubesti?


Pe curand,


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