If you don’t feel like drawing a face, this is the moment when you draw such a page. I wanted something super fast, so I grabbed my watercolor set and mixed a few bright colors that went into the page spread in a completely random way.
Daca n-ai chef sau inspiratie sa desenezi o fata, atunci se naste o astfel de pagina mai abstracta. Si cum vroiam sa fac ceva repede, am luat acuarelele si am ales cateva culori vesele pe care le-am intins la intamplare pe doua pagini alaturate.
After drawing a few marks and meaningless drawings, I decided to write a few lines using directly my brush and watercolors. Aham, writing directly with the brush!
Dupa cateva semne si desene fara noima, m-am hotarat sa scriu cateva randuri direct cu pensula. Aham, direct cu pensula!
I am here with a purpose and that is of being happy and make others happy with what I create and…
After I was done writing, I thought the page will look even better if I add even more marks, shapes, circles…To create a balanced visual effect, keep in mind to leave some blank areas into the page. This was the page won’t look too busy, and the colors will pop-up even more.
Dupa ce-am terminat de scris, am zis ca pagina ar arata si mai bine daca as adauga si alte forme, semne, cerculete…Pentru a crea un efect vizual echilibrat, aveti grija sa lasati si portiuni necolorate. Pagina nu va arata prea incarcata, iar culorile vor iesi si mai mult in evidenta.
Yummy! This is it! The creative process of making such a page is liberating your mind and set you free of any worries, because when you draw like this you don’t have to think at all on the outcome. I mean, you don’t draw a face that has to be…”perfect”!
Yummy! Cam asta e! Crearea unei astfel de pagini te elibereaza de ganduri si griji, pentru ca nu mai trebuie sa te gandesti deloc la ce-o sa iasa. La o adica, n-ai nici o fata care trebuie sa fie…”perfecta”!
What have you been creating lately?
Tu ce-ai mai creat in ultimul timp?
Pe curand,
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