Whimsical face with an elongated face and neck
This whimsical girl does not only appears to have an elongated face, but also an elongated neck. Extra-narrowed long necks were what I used to draw when I first started with art journaling, but in time my girls became more realistic. However, this girl like many others is not inspired by any photo or real…
Grab your pencil and sketch a face!
As I was saying in my last post, these days we might actually draw/sketch more than usual and that’s a good thing for the psychic, right?! And all I can say is that I encourage you to do the same, drawing has such a relaxing effect on our minds. You can draw anything you want…
Acrylic painting – girl with turquoise eyes
After finishing filming the non-dominant hand class, I was left with some extra acrylic paints out of the tube, so I thought it would be nice to quickly draw a new face and paint it with the colors I had on the table.
My first online class is now live
Hello, dear artsy soul! I’ve been longing to write about my first online class for a while now, and if […]