Days of November
It’s said that November it’s a sad, depressive month, but it doesn’t have to be like so if you don’t want it too. If you’ve been an outside person during the summer and autumn, then chances are to enjoy this month as any other month in the calendar.
Se spune ca noiembrie este o luna trista si depresiva, dar nu trebuie sa fie asa daca nu vrei. Daca ai cutreierat pe afara pe timpul verii si al toamnei, atunci ai mari sanse sa te bucuri de aceasta luna ca de oricare alta din calendar.
Even if the days can be pretty cloudy ☁, you can still take advantage of the color therapy around you. Wear happy cloth colors, walk outside, be an active observer of what’s around you, smile most of the time and greet people with a positive mind set.
Chiar daca zilele pot fi destul de noroase ☁, tot te poti bucura de avantajele terapieie prin culorile ce apar peste tot in jurul tau. Poarta haine vesele, plimba-te, fii un observator activ a tot ce se intampla in jurul tau, zambeste in majoritatea timpului si saluta oamenii cu o stare mentala pozitiva.
And of course, create art! What better way to charge your batteries other than color therapy using art?! Paint something! Grab your colored pencils and draw or color a colored book for adults or simple scrabble colorful lines and shapes on the paper!
Si, bineinteles, creeaza arta! Ce alt mod mai bun de a-ti incarca bateriile sa existe decat terapia prin culoare folosind arta ca mijloc? Picteaza ceva! Pune mana pe creioanele colorate si deseneaza sau coloreaza intr-o carte de colorat pentru adulti, sau pur si simplu mazgaleste cateva linii si forme pe-o bucata de hartie!
I drew and painted in watercolor this beautiful face in one 30 minutes session out in the park. What a great way to welcome the cold season! You’ll see more of her in my next post.
Am desenat si pictat in acuarele aceasta fata frumoasa intr-o sesiune de 30 de minute in parc. Ce mod minunat de a spune ‘bun venit’ anotimpului rece! Veti vedea mai multe poze in urmatoarea postare.
Pe curand,
Oh I love it when the wind turns cold and the leaves keep falling. We have our faux Autumn here in the Philippines, which usually starts in October and ends in February. It’s when north easterly winds come down from Siberia. The leaves don’t turn red though, but they fall beautifully and dance with the winds. Lovely! I should remember to bring my sketchbook the next time my kids and I are in suburban nature.