Drawing Fuchsia Flowers in my art journal - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro >>> Mixed Media and Art Journaling
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Fuchsia in Bloom

With about 110 recognized species, Fuchsia flower looks like a ballerina with many legs. It’s gracious and delicate, hanging upside down with its gorgeous coloring. This flower does not serve as wonderful painting and drawing inspiration, but it’s also a bliss for the eyes. So why not draw and paint it in my art journal? 

Exista aproximativ 110 specii recunoscute, floarea de fucsia arata ca o balerina cu mai multe picioare. Este gratioasa si delicata, atarnand cu capul in jos cu coloritul sau uimitor. Aceatsa floare nu serveste doar ca minunat material de inspiratie pentru pictat si desenat, dar este si o incantare pentru ochi sa o privesti. Asa ca de ce sa n-o desenez si pictez la mine in jurnal?

Drawing Fuchsia Flowers in my art journal - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro >>> Mixed Media and Art Journaling

For this page I went back using the fabulous INKtense pencils from Darwent. They have ink pigment and the color intensifies when you add water. Even better, they become permanent once they dry, making possible to add more than one layer of color.

Pentru aceatsa pagina m-am intors la creioanele INKtense de la Derwent. Acestea au pigment cu cerneala, iar culoarea se intensifica atunci cand adaugi apa. Mai mult, acestea devin permanente o data ce s-au uscat, facand posibila adaugarea mai multor straturi de culoare.

Drawing Fuchsia Flowers in my art journal - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro >>> Mixed Media and Art Journaling

I started with a pencil sketch and  then I filled in the color. My inspiration was yet another photo found on Pinterest, my favorite place to find inspiration.

Am inceput cu o schita in creion si am adaugat apoi culoare. Inspiratia a venit iar de la o poza gasita pe Pinterest, siteul meu preferat pentru inspiratie.

Drawing Fuchsia Flowers in my art journal - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro >>> Mixed Media and Art Journaling

Now there are many colors you could use to color this beautiful flower, I chose to follow the colors the flower had in the photo I got inspired by, but you can definitely use whatever colors you find appropriate. Above you can see the flowers before I added the water.

Aceasta floare poate fi admirata in multe culori, eu am ales sa folosesc culorile care apareau in poza dupa care m-am inspirat, dar voi puteti folosi orice culori credeti ca sunt potrivite. Mai sus puteti vedea florile inainte de a adauga apa.

Drawing Fuchsia Flowers in my art journal - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro >>> Mixed Media and Art Journaling

After adding the water, the colors become so intense and vivid. For the finishing touches I chose to add more color with the pencils without activating with water.

Dupa ce am adaugat apa, culorile au devenit intense si aprinse. Pentru tusele de final, am ales sa adaug mai multa culoare cu creioanele fara a o mai activa cu apa.

Drawing Fuchsia Flowers in my art journal - by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro >>> Mixed Media and Art Journaling

Well, there is it! I hope you like it and you’ll give it a try to create your own version!

Ei bine, iat-o! Sper ca va placut si ca o sa incercati si voi sa creati propria versiune!

Pe curand,

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