Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @

Girl with Nicobar bird

Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @

Painting in an art journal feels great, but from time to time I need to go back to painting on canvas. The reasons I don’t paint that much on canvas vary from mood to practical ones, but I always tend to get back and jump into creative process creating mostly portraits, as the one you are about to see today.

Pictatul intr-un art journal este minunat, dar din cand in cand simt nevoia sa ma intorc la pictatul pe panza. Motivele pentru care nu pictez pe panza atat de des variaza de la starea de spirit pana la motive practice, dar ma intorc intotdeauna la procesul creativ pe panza, pictand adesea portrete, exact ca cel pe care il vedeti astazi.

Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @

It all started with a very colorful background – reminding myself that life is a playground, with little happy inserts and bliss moments that come and go, as well as sad ones that we tend to remember better than the happy ones.

Totul a inceput cu un fundal colorat – care-mi aminteste ca viata este un loc de joaca, cu mici inserturi de fericire si momente de beatitudine care vin si pleaca, la fel ca si momentele mai putin fericite pe care avem tendinta sa ni le reamintim peste timp mai mult decat pe cele mai placute.

Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @

This beautiful canvas has multiple layers of acrylic and it’s filled with signs and marks, made with POSCA markers mostly, but also using a fine brush.

At first I wanted something abstract, thinking of the long summer days coming on the way. But definitely I couldn’t help but adding a face on it. It’s my most lover subject, so I started to draw this gorgeous face with a colored (watercolor) pencil and gently shaped her face and torso. It was fun, but also requested a lot of work and commitment, as in between the layers the painting wasn’t looking that nice as the final outcome you get to see today.

Aceasta minunata pictura pe panza are mai multe straturi de acrilic si este plina de semne si embleme create in mare parte cu markerele POSCA, dar si folosind o pensula fina.

Initial am vrut sa iasa ceva mai abstract, gandindu-ma la zilele lungi de vara care se apropie. Dar este clar ca nu m-am putut abtine sa nu adaug si o fata pe panza. Este cel mai iubit subiect al meu, asa ca m-am apucat sa desenez aceasta splendida fata cu un creion colorat (acuarelabil) si am trasat incet fața si trunchiul. M-am simtit bine cand am desenat aceasta fată, dar in acelasi timp a fost si mult de lucrat si a  cerut multa perseverenta, pentru ca intre straturile de acrilic fata nu arata atat de frumos precum arata acum.

Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @

I don’t have intermediary stages with her, and I don’t think they are relevant, but if you take a closer look, you’ll notice some details that were added until this gorgeous face revealed to me.

Nu am facut poze cu fazele intermediare, si nu cred ca acestea sunt relevante, dar daca va uitati cu atentie veti vedea ca au fost adaugate cateva detalii pana cand aceasta fată a ajuns sa arate asa.

Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @

Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @

Girl with Nicobar bird by Cristina Parus @



3 responses to “Girl with Nicobar bird”

  1. This is SO BEAUTIFUL! I’m happy to see you making art that comes from your soul.

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Hey Connie! Long time no see! How have you been, girl? Thanks for your lovely words! <3

      1. Oh I’ve been so busy ’cause it’s school break here for 2 months so the little girls are with me at home. Also, I’ve been quietly working on a series of paintings. I had to reduce my online time so I could be more productive.

        I tend to think that you’ve always had your own artistic style and that’s a great thing. Always be yourself and be your own artist. You make beautiful, soulful artworks!

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