globulete de Craciun by Cristina Parus @

Globulete sclipitoare

After a short break it’s time to come back to posting my journal pages. This page was painted almost one year ago, on December 12th, 2013.
After setting up the December Very Scrap forum art nournaling theme, a forum that has an Art journaling section (yay!), it’s time to show you how these Christmas globes were ‘born’.

Dupa o mica pauza e cazul sa reiau prezentarea paginilor din jurnale. Aceasta pagina are aproape un an, a fost pictata pe 12 decembrie 2013.
Dupa ce am stabilit tema lunii decembrie pe forumul Very Scrap, un forum care are si o sectiune de ART JOURNALING {yay!}, e timpul sa vedeti cum s-au nascut globurile pe care le-ati vazut deja pe forum.

globulete de Craciun by Cristina Parus @

First of all, I have to tell you that this page was painted in the CANSON A5 art journal which has sketching paper of only 100 gr., paper that is not so friendly with the water. But as I advanced in the journal with my pages and created more and more, I’ve noticed that the paper is at least acceptable, but as this one it only has about 2 pages, I’m strongly considering buying another journal, with mixed media paper – that if I’m gonna find one that I like….

In primul rand trebuie sa precizez ca pagina asta a fost pictata in jurnalul CANSON A5, cu pagini de schita de 100gr., pagini care nu pareau a fi foarte primitoare cu apa. Insa pe masura ce am avansat cu jurnalul si am creat mai multe pagini, mi-am dat seama ca hartia este cel putin acceptabila, asa  ca nemaiavand decat vreo 2 pagini, ma gandesc sa cumpar un alt jurnal cu foi de mixed media sau acuarela – asta daca o sa gasesc ceva care sa-mi placa…

globulete de Craciun by Cristina Parus @

Getting back to my globes, this were first drew in pencil after painting a watercolor background, I’ve chose yellow-orange-red, because I love warm colors.

Revenind la globulete, acestea au fost mai intai desenate in creion dupa ce am pictat in acuarela fundalul. Eu am ales galben-portocaliu-rosu, pentru ca-mi plac culorile calde.

globulete de Craciun by Cristina Parus @

They can be any kind of globes, and looking at them now, after one year, I realized they are pretty simple. They could have other shape, being conical or star shaped, etc., but I have chosen to make them round.

Colored in bright colors, the globes had to be somehow highlighted. First layer you see in the picture above was painted with acrylics, applied directly with my fingers, without being too precise in the process.

Then I’ve applied one layer of Faber Castell metalic gel sticks {unfortunately, they are not to be found in Romania}, and then I’ve used Playcolor metalic gel stics, some metalic solid gouaches, silver and golden ones. This set can be found in the Romanian art and crafts stores and last year was about 12 ron (about 2,5 euros). 

Pot fi orice fel de globuri, si privindu-le acum, dupa un an de zile, imi dau seama ca sunt destul de simple. Puteau sa fie si in alte forme, conice, steluta, etc., dar eu am ales sa le desenez rotunde.

Colorate in ce culori vreti voi, globuletele trebuie scoase cumva in evidenta.Primul strat pe care il vedeti mai sus in poza a fost cu acrilice, aplicat direct cu degetele, fara prea multa precizie.

A urmat apoi un strat aplicat folosind gel stickurile metalice de la Faber Castell {nu se gasesc din pacate la noi, sau cel putin anul trecut nu erau}, iar apoi am folosit putin si stickurile metalice de la Playcolor, niste batoane cu tempera solida, in nuanta de auriu si argintiu. Din fericire acest set se gasea la noi in magazinele de craft si costa anul trecut aproximativ 12 ron.

metal sticks by PLAYCOLOR @

Mixed with water, these sticks shine beautifully, and the best part is that once the color is dry, the glitter wont face away if you touch the paper with your hand. I’ve also added a layer of glitter that dried almost instantly and that adhered very well on the paper. 

Amestecate cu apa, batoanele acestea stralucesc frumos, iar partea buna e ca o data uscata culoarea, sclipiciul nu se mai ia daca atingi cu mana. 😉 Am adaugat si un ultim strat de lipici cu gliter care s-a uscat aproape instant si care a aderat foarte bine e hartie.

golden gliter PLAYCOLOR @
auriu – golden
silver gliter PLAYCOLOR Solid Tempera stick @
argintiu – silver

To define even better the page, in the end I’ve dded snow flakes on the entire page, including the globes , but also at the button of the page, to create the fresh snow sticking effect. 

Pentru a defini si mai bine pagina, la sfarsit am adaugat fulgi de zapada pe intreaga pagina, inclusiv pe globuri, dar si la baza paginii, pentru a crea efectul de zapada proaspat asternuta.

globulete de Craciun by Cristina Parus @


globulete de Craciun by Cristina Parus @

For the snow I’ve used white acrylic, but I believe you can also use white gesso, or even cotton….but I prefer to not add dimensional elements because I want to journal to close firmly and work on it without problems in the future.

What have you been journaling today?


Pentru zapada am folosit acrilic alb, dar cred ca merge foarte bine si cu gesso {grund}, pasta de relief sau chiar vata…insa eu prefer sa nu adaug elemente tridimensionale in paginile jurnalelor mele pentru ca vreau sa le pot inchide si sa pot lucra ulterior fara griji.

Tu ce-ai mai jurnalit azi?

Pe curand,

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