How to turn an old canvas into new art by Cristina Parus @

How to turn an old canvas into new art {video}

Can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the process of this makeover! It was pretty tough at times, and the face seemed to turn into a totally different direction than the one you get to see in the final capture, but I’m glad I continued on adding layer after layer until I got this face! 

How to turn an old canvas into new art  by Cristina Parus @

At some point, the face seemed to be really sad, which is no surprise to me, since I have a thing for drawing and painting sad faces, but in the end I made it look …dreamy.

Nici nu va pot spune cat de bine m-am simtit in procesul de reinventare al acestei panze! A fost destul de greu pe alocuri, iar fata parea la un moment dat sa ia o cu totul intorsatura decat cea din poza finala, dar ma bucur ca am continuat sa adaug straturi dupa straturi pana ce am ajuns la acest rezultat!

La un moment dat, fata parea cu adevarat trista, lucru deloc surprinzator pentru mine, din moment ce am o inclinatie spre a desena si picta fete triste, dar într-un final am facut-o sa para …visatoare.

How to turn an old canvas into new art  by Cristina Parus @

As You’ll see in the video, I’ve painted this 2 or 3 years ago when I was under a class called Facecinating girls held by Andrea Gomoll, and at that time I was nowhere near I am today. My sketches were too plastic. It was hard for me to draw noses or lips. What I am saying? Sometimes it gets really hard at the present moment, but that was makes me feel even more proud of my own work!

Asa cum veti vedea in video, am pictat aceasta fata acum 2-3 ani pe vremea cand abia invatam sa desenez fete la un curs sustinut de Andrea Gomoll: FACEcinating girls, iar pe vremea aceea nu eram nici macar aprope de nivelul la care sunt acum. Schitele mele erau prea plastice. Imi era greu sa desenez nasuri si guri. Dar ce spun? Cateodata chiar si acum mi se pare destul de greu sa desenez, dar asta ma face sa fiu si mai mandra de munca mea!

How to turn an old canvas into new art  by Cristina Parus @

18 x 24 cm canvas board with just one layer of acrylic was looking nothing good. So why not paint over? I started with a layer of acrylic mixed paints of all kinds (cream, beige, soft grey, etc), and tweaked her face shape, her nose and lips. Worked a little bit on her hair, too. What I left the same were those two huge green eyes and have no regrets about it. She’s looking pretty hot, isn’t she?

Panza cartonata de 18 x 24 cm cu doar un strat de acrilic nu arata foarte bine. Asa ca de ce sa nu pictez peste? Am inceput prin adaugarea unui strat de acrilic dintr-un mix al mai multor culor (crem, bej, gri cald, etc.), si apoi i-am modificat putin forma fetei, nasul si buzele. Am lucrat putin si la parul ei. Ce-am pastrat au fost ochii ei mari si verzi si nu regret deloc ca am facut asa. Arata foarte bine, nu-i asa?

How to turn an old canvas into new art  by Cristina Parus @

A little bit of stamping on her hair/neck and she’s done! I’m pretty sure your version would have been a little bit different, so what would you have done to this canvas board if you had to paint over it?

Am adaugat o stampila pe gatul/parul ei si e gata! Sunt destul de sigura ca versiunea voastra ar fi aratat putin diferit, asa ca ce-ati fi facut diferit daca ar fi trebuit sa pictati peste aceasta panza?

And here is the video makeover of this beautiful purple girl!

Si iata si videoul cu reinventarea acestei frumoase fete cu parul purpuriu!


Pe curand,


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