29 Faces Challenge

I’M Drawing 29 Faces This September

It’s been so long since I’ve first saw the 29 faces challenge, but I’ve always come across the page in the months when the challenge was off. Now I finally figured out: the challenge is running in February and September each year! So it’s time to get started with 29 faces! Read more about it and the rules to participate: http://29faces.blogspot.ro/p/sept-2015.html

Why join the challenge? Because you can use any medium, any style, any skills! And even better, unfinished pieces are accepted, so don’t strike too much and have fun while painting! 

Now, let’s play! 😉



For this challenge, I’ll play in a book I’ve bought with the thought of making it an art journal. The pages are kinda glossy and they all need gesso, but I really love the format (19cm x 24cm or 7.5 x 9.5 inches) and the fact that it has hard covers. 

Journal-book: red like fire cover - @ creativemag.ro

Journal-book: red like fire - @ creativemag.ro

A trecut atat de mult timpde cand am vazut prima oara provocarea celor 29 de fete, dar mereu ajungeam in pagina 29 de fete cand provocarea nu era activa. Acum m-am prins intr-un final cum functioneaza: provocarea se tine de doua ori pe an, in februarie si septembrie. Asa ca acum e timpul sa desenam 29 de fete! Cititi mai multe despre provocare si reguli de urmat: http://29faces.blogspot.ro/p/sept-2015.html

De ce sa te alaturi provocarii? Pentru ca poti folosi orice materiale, orice stil, si este acceptat orice nivel de pregatire! Si mai mult, sunt acceptate si lucrarile neterminate, asa ca nu-ti bate capul prea tare si distreaza-te in timp ce pictezi!

Acum, hai sa ne jucam! 😉


Pentru aceasta provocare ma voi juca intr-o carte pe care am cumparat-o cu intentia clara de a o transforma intr-un art journal. Paginile sunt cam lucioase si trebuiesc pregatite cu gesso inainte, dar imi place formatul (19cm x 24cm) si faptul ca are coperti rigide. Puteti citi aici mai multe despre aceasta carte-jurnal. Sau inspirati-va si de aici – acelasi jurnal, inainte de a-i aplica alta coperta. Acum coperta arata ca in pozele de mai sus. 😉