Handmade stamps by Cristina Parus @ CreativeMag.ro

It’s all about the stamps

This entry is one of the series talking about art journaling supplies I use, my opinion on different supplies and why I love or why I’m not that much impressed by others.

Aceasta postare face pate din seria referitoare la materialele necesare pentru art journaling pe care le folosesc, parerea mea despre diferite produse pe care le folosesc, de ce le iubesc pe unele in timp ce nu ma dau chiar asa in vant dupa altele.

Art stamps by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Stamps and art journaling…they can’t go separately. And no matter how many stamps you have on the shelf, I’m telling you: you’ll always want more and more!

Stampilele si art journalingul…vin impreuna la pachet. Si indiferent cat de multe stampile am pe raft, va spun sincer: mereu voi vrea sa am mai multe si mai multe!

Flower Stamp by Cristina Parus @ creativeMag.ro

When I first started with art journaling, I had no stamp and no idea on where to buy any in my area, left alone the fact that I wasn’t aware I could make my own stamps. But after a few months of art journaling and after digging online for art supplies, I finally found some stamps suitable for art journaling at a reasonable price. Of course, there were some stamps out there that could be used rather for card making than  art journaling, so I skipped those. I kept on looking for those who could be easily used to create more than just a single impression, or those that by nature can be used both on backgrounds as well as stand alone.

Cand m-am apucat de art journaling, nu aveam nici o stampila si nici idee de unde sa le cumpar in zona unde licuiesc, nemaivorbind despre faptul ca nu stiam ca pot sa-mi fac singura propriile stampile. Dar dupa cateva luni de jurnalit si dupa ce am cautat prin magazinele online, am gasit in sfarsit niste stampile care se pretau foarte bine la art journaling si care erau si la un pret rezonabil. Desigur, am vazut niste stampile care ar fi mers mai mult sa fie folosite pentru crearea de felicitari decat pentru art journaling, pe care nu le-am luat in consideratie. Am tot cautat sa gasesc stampile care sa creeze mai mult decat o imagine, sau mai bine zis le-am cautat pe acelea care pot fi folosite atat individual cat si la crearea unei imagini de fundal.

Handmade stamps by Cristina Parus @ CreativeMag.ro

There are two big categories of stamps: The one you buy from the craft store, and the one you create yourself! While I adore the ones I have bought so far, I still can say out loud that I love the stamps I have created along from all kind of materials using different techniques. They ones in the photo above are created using foam sheets and a pencil to create the patters just by simply drawing with the pencil. There are also two stamps that are made by carving in linoleum using a linoleum cutter.

Exista doua mari categorii de stampile: cele pe care le cumperi de la magazinul de crafturi si cele pe care le creezi chiar tu! Le ador pe cele cumparate pana acum, dar inca pot spune cu tarie ca-mi plac foarte mult stampilele create de mine din tot felul de materiale folosind diferite tehnici. Cele din poza de mai sus sunt create din hartie gumata folosind un creion cu care am “desenat” modelul. Mai sunt si doua stampile in partea dreapta pe care le-am facut din linoleum folosind un cutit special pentru asa ceva.

Handmade stamps by Cristina Parus @ CreativeMag.ro

Carved linoleum feather stamp / Stampila in forma de pana sculptata in linoleum

Handmade stamps by Cristina Parus @ CreativeMag.ro

While the ones craved in linoleum are a little bit complicated to create, the stamps made out of foam sheets are fun to make and even a child can create some interesting designs. And what’s even more, they are less expensive as the wood stamps, and way easier to store, because they won’t eat that much of your studio’s place. In the future I’ll be talking about each type of stamp I’m using.

In timp ce stampilele sculptate in linoleum sunt un pic mai greu de facut, stampilele create din hartie gumata sunt distractiv de creat si pana si un copil poate crea modele interesante. Mai mult, acestea sunt mai ieftine decat stampilele pe suport de lemn, si mult mai usor de depozitat, ocupand considerabil mai putin loc in dulap. Pe viitor voi vorbi separat despre fiecare tip de stampila in parte.

stamps ans stencils by Cristina Parus @ CreativeMag.ro

Play with stamps by Cristina Parus @ creativeMag.ro
Love Life Stamperia acrilic stamp / Stampila acrilica de la Staperia Love Life


Pe curand,


4 responses to “It’s all about the stamps”

  1. The country patchwork stencil looks so nice!!! I wish we had them here, too. We usually have just the US brand stencils. They’re great, but I think Europe made stencils are just as wonderful.

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      And we Europeans are wanting so much to have the US releases! But they end up being pretty expensive and they don’t get on our shelves because I guess nobody would buy them!

      1. Haha. The irony! In terms of design, I actually think the European stencils fare better.

      2. Cristina, the Creative Mag

        That’s a matter of taste, Connie. I do believe some have a better design than other, but if you ask me, there is a number of stencils you can do yourself when it comes to pattern, of course. I mean, they are so simple…they just not worth the money 💵 I rather pick those more complicated I cannot create myself. 🎨😉

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