Mixed Media Poppies by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Mixed Media Poppies

It wasn’t my intention to paint poppies when I started this page, but then I figured out they look like poppies so I decided to leave them just be. Instead of coloring them all red, I preferred to use tones of mulberry, magenta, violet, lilac and violet blue.

Nu am intentionat sa pictez maci cand am inceput pagina asta, dar apoi mi s-a parut ca arata a maci asa ca am decis sa-i pastrez si sa nu-i modific. In loc sa-i colorez pe toti in rosu, am preferat sa folosesc tonuri de mulberry, magenta, violet, lila si albastru violet.

Mixed Media Poppies by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

I used Prismacolors pencils and after a little bit of shading, I added oil to blend the color even better. Because it’s not watercolor paper, they didn’t blend as I expected, but still looking good. The left bottom poppy has a little bit of purple acrylic on it, as I wanted to see how it looks on top of colored pencils. The poppies are meant to sit in a vase for which I’ve used the golden Prismacolor pencil.

Am folosit creioane Prismacolor si dupa ce am creat cateva umbre, am ales sa folosesc putin ulei pentru a amesteca culorile si mai bine. Pentru ca nu am desenat pe hartie de acuarela, culorile nu s-au omogenizat atat de frumos pe cat m-as fi asteptat, dar tot arata bine. Macul din stanga jos are putin acrilic purpuriu, l-am adaugat ca sa vad cum arata acrilicul peste creioanele colorate Prismacolor. Macii vor sa stea intr-o vaza pe care am colorat-o cu un creion auriu tot de la Prismacolor.

Mixed Media Poppies by Cristina Parus @ creativemag.ro

Well, that’s about it for today. I hope you like the poppies!

Ei bine, cam atat pentru astazi. Sper ca va plac macii!


Pe curand,


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