One sketch a day - Watercolor eye shadows

One sketch a day – Watercolor eye shadows

You don’t need to sketch something complicated. I sketched this one last year on my way home from the seaside, in the same sketchbook I did with the flowers here.

Nu trebuie sa schitati ceva complicat. Am schitat aceasta pagina in drum spre casa de la mare, in acelasi caiet de schite in care am schitat si florile de aici.

One sketch a day - Watercolor eye shadows by Cristina Parus @

And the sketch doesn’t have to be the exact copy of the reference photo. Just have fun while sketching!

Iar schita nu trebuie sa fie o copie exacta dupa poza model. Distrati-va in timp ce schitati!

One sketch a day - Watercolor eye shadows



2 responses to “One sketch a day – Watercolor eye shadows”

  1. E o schiță atât de frumoasă! Mi-aș dori să am talentul tău. 🙂

    1. Cristina, the Creative Mag

      Buna! Mi s-a mai spus asta, dar nu e vorba doar de talent, ci si de multa practica! 😉

      Multumesc pentru vizita!

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