Paint Mojo – A Mixed Media Workshop


Paint Mojo - A mixed Media Workshop Book - by Cristina Parus @

“Ceea ce-mi doresc cu adevarat este sa pictez lumea in curcubee de posibilitati” ~Tracy Verdugo

“What I really, really want is to paint the world in rainbows of possibility” ~Tracy Verdugo

Pe 1 februarie am comandat Paint Mojo – cartea unui workshop mixed-media de Tracy Verdugo. Tracy Verdugo este o artista din Australia care tine cursuri online, dar si workshopuri in toata lumea. Imi plac la nebunie lucrarile ei, sunt atat de vibrante, pline de culoare, incarcate de simbolistica, sunt minunate!

On February 1st I ordered Paint Mojo – the mixed media workshop book by Tracy Verdugo. Tracy Verdugo is an Australian artist who teaches online classes as well as workshops all over the world. I love her art works, they are so vibrant, so colorful and filled with symbols, they are wonderful!

Paint Mojo - A mixed Media Workshop Book - by Cristina Parus @

Tracy picteaza intuitiv, iar lucrarile ei sunt o adevarata incantare pentru ochi! Felul in care arata picturile te invita pur si simplu intr-o lume parca ireala, de poveste.

Tracy’s paintings are intuitive, and her works are a truly bliss for the eye! The way her paintings look invites you to a surreal world, to a scene of special beauty and delight.

Paint Mojo - A mixed Media Workshop Book - by Cristina Parus @

Inapiratia vine pur si simplu din jurul nostru, iar simbolurile sunt pretutindeni. Trebuie doar sa vrei sa le vezi! Iar cand am fost mici si am luat prima data un creion in mana, asta am creat: semne, simboluri, linii, cercuri…etc. Invata-ti sa descifrati insemnatatea lor si experimentati prin cele 19 exercitii prezentate in carte, folosind cele mai unoscute materiale de picruta: acrilicele, pastelurile, acuarelel dar si altele.

Inspiration simply comes from the surroundings, from the world around us, and symbols are everywhere. You just need to want to see them! And when we first took a pencil in our hands when we were little ones, this is what we’ve first created: marks, symbols, lines, circles..etc. Learn how to decrypt their meanings and challenge your creativity by going through the 19 exercises shown in the book, using the most popular painting materials: acrylics, pastels, watercolor and more.

Paint Mojo - A mixed Media Workshop Book - by Cristina Parus @


Abstract painting detail by Cristina Parus @

Detaliu – Una dintre lucrarile mele folosind simboluri si semne, despre care n-am apucat sa scriu pe blog, dar pe care o puteti vedea aici.

Detail – One of my art works using symbols and marks that I haven’t posted about on the blog, you can see the whole painting here.



2 responses to “Paint Mojo – A Mixed Media Workshop”

  1. […] amazing artist is Tracy Verdugo. I wrote about her book Paint Mojo over here. Paint Mojo is also the name of her 6 weeks e-course everyone can […]

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