I haven’t got the chance to see the sea and probably I won’t this year. But even so, I wanted to sketch and light wash some sea shells lying in hot sand.
Nu am avut sansa de a vedea marea si probabil nici n-o s-o vad anul acesta. Dar chiar si asa, am vrut sa schitez si sa adaug acuarela peste cateva scoici ce stau asezate pe nisipul fierbinte.
So I started drawing and painting these shells. They are not quite realistic, but there’s more than just the suggestion that shows on the paper. And by the way, I’m working in my Daler Rowney mini sketchbook. Starting with a pencil sketch and coloring with watercolor pencils…
Asa am inceput sa desenez si sa pictez aceste scoici. Nu sunt pictate tocmai realist, dar e mai mult decat o sugestie de scoica pe o foie de hartie. Si apropo, lucrez in mini caietul de schite Daler Rowney. Am inceput printr-o schita in creion si apoi am colorat cu creioane acuarelabile.
And the page it’s looking pretty good already, isn’t it? But something seemed odd and I had to continue defining the edges of the shells.
Iar pagina a inceput sa arate destul de bine, nu-i asa? Dar ceva nu parea tocmai in regula asa ca a trebuit sa definesc putin marginile scoicilor.
And yes, that’s what I’m talking about! Using a black super fine permanent pen makes the difference!
Si da, despre asta era vorba! Folosirea unui stilou permanent ultra fin a facut diferenta!
Voi ce-ati mai desenat in ultimul timp?!
Pe curand,
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