Limited palette - by Cristina Parus @ - Nov 2015

Portrait with limited palette

Limited palette - by Cristina Parus @ - Nov 2015

I began to love charcoal. Its smooth feeling on the paper and the marks that it lefts on the surface are fantastic. And because I can smudge it with water while adding some color makes it look even better. 

Am inceput sa iubesc carbunele. Senzatia de moale pe care o lasa pe hartie si urmele lasate de acesta sunt fantastice. Si pentru ca il pot intinde cu apa in timp ce adaug si ceva culoare il face sa arate inca si mai bine.

Limited palette - by Cristina Parus @ - Nov 2015

Starting with a simple sketch, you don’t need any special type of paper to start using charcoal. I’m using again my CANSON ART BOOK ONE with sketching paper, but who does take some water when added.

Incepand cu o simpla schita, nu ai nevoie de cine stie ce hartie speciala pentru a desena in carbune. In cazul de fata, folosesc iar jurnalul CANSON ART BOOK ONE cu hartie de schite, dar care accepta putina apa atunci cand hotarasc sa folosesc.

Limited palette - by Cristina Parus @ - Nov 2015

Here is after I’ve used a blending stump to smudge the charcoal and create areas of shadows. It’s incredible how this step changes the portrait and adds depth. 

Iata cum arata dupa ce am folosit estompa pentru a intinde carbunele si a crea umbre. Este incredibil cum acest pas schimba felul in care arata portretul si adauga profunzime.

Limited palette - by Cristina Parus @ - Nov 2015

And in the end I added some acrylic color: turquoise blue and light orange, both gently melted in water. I wasn’t going to stop with the color at this point, but it looked so gorgeous I just had to call it done. 

La sfarsit am adaugat culoare acrilica: albastru turcuaz si portocaliu deschis, ambele balacite putin in apa. Nu aveam de gand sa ma opresc in adaugarea culorilor in acest moment, dar arata atat de bine incat am zis ca e gata. 😉


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One response to “Portrait with limited palette”

  1. […] colors just by adding white gesso or black acrylic and/or a charcoal pencil. It all started with this face over here, and because I loved the process I had to create more. So this page came to live, and this one, […]

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