Spring in Town
Even my art journals are calling for the spring to come! I have been waiting for the spring to come, but so far weather is not showing too much like spring. So I decided to paint with bold and bright colors to call the nature back to life! I have started to work on this page two weeks ago when I posted a sneak peek on Instagram, but since then nothing much happened with it. My thoughts were how to find time to finish this. I’m working again in my big calendar leaves handmade journal, and even if it’s big (~24X34cm) I still feel like I need more space on the page.
Pana si jurnalele mele vor sa fie primavara! Am tot asteptat primavara sa vina, dar pana acum vremea n-a prea aratat semne ca vrea sa vina. Asa ca m-am hotarat sa pictez folosind culori puternice si luminoase pentru a aduce natura la viata! Am inceput sa pictez la aceasta pagina acum 2 saptamani cand am postat un mic preview pe Instagram, dar de atunci nu s-a mai intamplat nimic cu pagina. Gandurile mele erau la cum sa fac sa-mi gasesc timp sa termin pagina asta. Lucrez iar in jurnalul meu mare handmade facut din foi de calendar, dar chiar daca este mare (~24X34cm) tot simt ca as mai avea nevoie de spatiu in pagina.
As usual, what happens each time I let go, happened again with this gorgeous face. I haven’t done too much thinking on how she should be looking in the end, and it resulted so incredible vivid, with a magnetic and mysterious look.
Ca de obicei, ce se intampla atunci cand incetezi sa-ti faci griji, s-a intamplat si cu aceasta fata superba. Nu m-am gandit prea mult cum ar trebui sa arate rezultatul final, asa ca a rezultat o fata incredibil de vie, cu o privire magnetica si misterioasa.
It started with a gessoed background and two of my fav colors: bright pink and yellow. Then I started to draw a face with Inktense pencils and in no time I found myself adding first layer of acrylic..
Totul a inceput cu o pagina grunduita si doua culori preferate: roz aprins si galben. Apoi am inceput sa desenez o fata cu creioanele INKtense si in scurt timp m-am trezit ca adaug deja primul strat de acrilic…
She was already beautiful and captivating, but I had to continue…
Este deja frumoasa si captivanta, dar a trebuit sa continui…
So I added some roses in her hair, without drawing any hair at all. What I did it was adding a bandana, I wasn’t feeling the urge to “make” her some hair. Also, she’s not wearing earrings, which is unusual for me to leave her like this.
Asa ca am adaugat trandafiri in parul ei, fara sa desenez de fapt nici un fir de par. Ce-am facut a fost sa adaug o bandana, nu am simtit nevoia sa desenez par. De asemenea, nu poarta cercei, fiind un lucru neobisnuit pentru mine s-o las asa fara cercei.
Next followed with some intense pink flowers around her neck – I made these with white acrylic and an INKtense pencil.
Am adaugat apoi niste flori roz intens in jurul gatului ei – am desenat florile cu acrilic alb si un creion INKtense.
Adding final touches and she’s done!
Am adaugat detaliile finale si e gata!
What have you been painting today?
Ce-ati mai pictat astazi?
Pe curand,
Pssst! Did you know? You can order prints, throw pillows and more with the image of this painting. Click here to order!
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