Although I still love to draw faces, I’m more and more captivated by abstract paintings. In my last blog post, […]
In the times of crisis, art is a the bond that keeps us balanced and present. While you cannot go outside too much, you can definitely create new art pages. Depending on how much time you have in this imposed quarantine, you can even create more art than usually. I have grabbed my small B6 art journal and created a new collage spread, this time using a paper to cover the whole spread with collage.
I found this face in a folder where I keep all my randomly made sketches that I might later use orβ¦ not. They can turn out to be reallt interesting and fun to use, so why not give it a try? π
How to prepare ahead your art journals so that you have a starting point and get to work on them right away, even when you don’t have too much time and want to quickly create a a journal page!
Another face drawing has found a place in my art journal, this time one that’s a little bit dreamy and […]